Rendering with GPU fails

Hi, I am new user to DazStudio and enjoying it. People have been discussing this topic but I just canot find way to archieve.
I am trying to render with GPU but Task Manager indicates GPU is not running higher as Rendering goes instead CPU usage goes up.
Below is my envrionment.
DazStudio ver: pro edition(64bit)
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 super(Recent driver of 461.40 is installed, studio Driver Version)
Windows update is up to date.
cpu: AMD product
os: windows 10 enterprise 64 bit
Thank you
Open DS, go to Help->Troubleshooting->View Log, press CTRL+A (at the same time) and press delete, save the empty log and close.
Now open your scene and start render, let it run for an half an hour and Cancel.
Open the log again and save it somewhere you can easily find, and attach the file to your post with "Attach a file" that you can see on the left, below the "Leave a Comment" window
In Render Settings/Advanced/NVIDIA Iray Engine/Hardware is your GPU selected for rendering and is your CPU de-selected?
How complex is your sceene? If the textures exceed the vRAM on your card then it will just render on CPU anyway. If your advanced render settings tab already has the setting suggested above checked, or after changing to those settings it still doesn't work, then I might suggest rendering something really simple, one character don't even bother with clothes or hair. That should fit in the vRAM of pretty much any card, I'm not familiar to know how much vRAM you've got on your card. If you can't render even the simple one figure sceene in iray on GPU then there's something wrong and posting a log for someone who understands all this way better than I do is the way to go. Also you've got to change one of the graphs in your task manager to show cuda core activity instead of whatever it shows by default for GPU or even when it's rendering on GPU it looks like nothing is happening.
Hi, thank you for comment. I have done so and attained log.
Part of line states '2021-02-16 17:11:46.970 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.12 IRAY rend info : CUDA device 0 (GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER): Scene processed in 0.872s"
,implying Geforce is used but when rendering CPU goes up on task manager.
Thank you.
Mod edit to separate the quote form the new post
According to the log, the rendering was done by the GPU in 31.5 seconds.
Task manager is poor instrument for checking GPU activities, try GPU-Z instead.
GPU-Z shows the necessary information without requiring any changes to the settings/parameters by the user, without lengthy discussions about how to see the information that matters as is the case with Task Manager.
Task Manager does not show Cuda activity next to the application, you need to change one of the dispalys to see it - that doesn't mean it can't be used, but its default behaviour is not useful.
It's up to you guys what you use and consider useful. But having to select from a dropdown to see how the CUDA engine is being utilized does not mean the "default behaviour is not useful". That's like saying DAZ Studio's default behaviour is not useful because after you start it you have to like load a scene and tweak stuff and rearrange stuff.
And GPU-Z doesn't provide any indication of what processes are using the GPU. That's important. Task Manager does. Along with a ton of other information. And since it is Windows, whose job is to control hardware resource allocation, it is arguably the best and most authoritative source of data. I could go on, but clearly for some reason people have chosen not to like Task Manager so I'll leave it at that.
It's not about what one is personally using, but getting useful information on someone elses system, who doesn't know how to use the tools that are available.
I set up daz stuo run on gpu successfully after updating to current gpu version(studio).
I confirmed that cude usage rises while rendering. and rendering time is now short compared to before.
Thank you for support.