I am pretty disappointed ...

Big Sur was announced with betas alsmost a year ahead of the release but there is still no working DAZ Central update for mac users available and I can not access or work with my purchased content. What is going wrong with DAZ?
There are other apps that are way more complex, like the Affinity Suite, which had updates available at the same day Big Sur came out.
I have to say, I am very disappointed about this kind of customer support.
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What makes you so sure it's Daz3D who is to blame here?
Fact is that Apple aren't exactly very forthcoming when it comes to developers using their platform, with all the consequences thereoff. And I say that because idiocy like this has happened before... I'm a semi professional audio designer and guess what happened when Catalina launched? Yah, it rendered pretty much every DAW in existence unusable "just like that" which resulted in all the major brands to strongly advice users NOT to upgrade to Catalina. And that lasted for well over a year.
Don't take my word on this though:
And there are plenty of other articles available if you do a little Googleing. And sure, many people blamed the developers (like Ableton, Native Instruments, Reason Studios, etc.) but fact of the matter was that it was them who got suckered into an insane upgrade policy by Apple. They got approx. one week to get into Catalina. You can't re-write major parts of your software in only one week, especially not if you hardly get any backwards compatibility. Of course it's all very hush hush because when you develop for Apple you have to sign non-disclosure idiocy which prevents you from sharing the truth.
So quite frankly I'm not surprised at all to see this happening.
Sorry buddy you have only one party to blame here: Apple, not Daz3d.
Considering all the stuff people are dealing with in the last year or so I tend to give everyone a pass rather than complain.
There is a long thread on this subject HERE
In the meantime I think some users have had success running the Windows version under Bootcamp - as far as I know all plug ins are cross-platform if they have a Mac version, I'm nto aware of anything that is Mac-only. Obviously not a terribly convenient option, but perhaps worth considering.