Can't buy anything

Getting an error at checkout everytime after I select my credit card I receive an error.


  • What error exactly?  Seems the store / site has quite a bit of issues at the moment, so...   yah, what error?

  • Still getting the error to this day.


    This is what I get when I try to pay with my credit card:

      • An error occurred while processing this transaction
  • Still getting the error......Is anyone at DAZ actually working to fix that issue ??

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    Have you informed them (sent a ticket)?

    These forums are just users talking to other users.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,396

    i ended up just using one of the other options - like amazon pay or paypal

  • Daz dose not take credit cards I guess been having  same problems 

  • Credit cards should work, but I believe at least some pre-paid credit cards can be a problem. Also, plese double check that the address in your account profile matches the billing address of the card.

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