Is an update from daz-studio 4.14 to 4.15 advisable?

I don't use filament.
I read somewhere that the memory consumption and memory bleed increased. Is that true?
Are there other disadvantages (products that don't function anymore etc.)?
Should I update to the newest beta or the last stable version?
As for memory concerns.. I don't see them. Been messing with 4.15 for quite some time now and things simply work. I have no issues with older materials; I actually still use Genesis (so: 1st generation) very often in my setups and.. everything works as normal. Now, I don't keep track of memory consumption and all but when I look now (time of writing) DS gobbles up around 300Mb. And that's after I experimented with a few rather heavy sceneries (which I then removed, loaded another, removed again and eventually I started a new project). 300Mb, not bad.
I don't see any signs which would indicate issues such as memory leaks.
If you plan to update I'd suggest latest public build because those are supposed to be stable. However, you can install the beta alongside your current version which might be useful to test the new version before actually upgrading.
You may want to check out this thread:, that's also where I got the tip for the beta version from.
Personally, I was having a hell of a bumpy ride with it and roled back, but others seem to have less problems so your millage may vary. Beta path as suggested by ShelLuser is interesting, but beta's are less stable by definition, so you might want to check this out as well before you decide:
I wish I'd done this, it would have saved me a lot of trouble when I decided to roll back to 4.14 the other day and needed to secure an installer that's not officially obtainable any more.
When I start D|S in 4.15 (the release version, not beta) with just the default blank scene it takes about 400MB of system RAM (based on Task Manager's indication of the DAZ Studio process). But when I load a typical scene (set to texture shaded preview), it goes up to 4 GB. And then if I go to Iray preview it jumps to around 8GB. Which kinda makes sense, right? You have to store all the scene contents in RAM. And then when you choose Iray preview you need to generate a separate hunk of data in RAM that is an Iray-understandable version of the scene, which you then send to the GPU. So I'm surprised to see ShelLUser's flat 300MB across the board...
As far as betas, personally I have a law against ever downloading betas. They're evil. They're a developers' way of saying "Um, this stuff is really complex and there's a ton of different machines and configurations out there and I can't test them all, so I'll let folks try it out and tell us if anything doesn't work". And it's rare that there's ever a new feature that I must have right away. I think most people just wanna play with new toys, but I'd rather have a solid piece of software that doesn't make me bang my head against the wall.
Of course there are always solid betas out there, but I'm kinda risk-averse and don't feel like tossing a coin for something I don't need.
Does 4.15 render faster than 4.14 in general or is it the same?
Just check the release notes:
Well, I know that they advertise performance improvements in the release notes, but are they really noticeable for the end user?
Can't really comment on that because.. well, I don't notice much difference performance wise, but then again I am a casual user. But what I was more referring to were some of the other changes: bugfixes, settings for ground reflection, changes in some bridges, updated iRay engine, stuff like that. Though... I'm experimenting at the time of writing and some of those highlights are a bit redundant.
IMO they make it sound as if ground reflection is a new feature (also because we have a Environment pane) but the truth is that it's actually an iRay render setting. Same for the Dome. Yah, that seems a bit redundant.
I do enjoy the extra options for the GoZ bridge.
what what?! i dont have any...dang, need to check my installation, i read about in the changelog then forgot it
First off, before you update:
Back up your install files, they're located in DAZ 3D\InstallManager\DOWNLOADS...
You can also back up your installed folder as well, think of it as a portable installation!
You need to back up plug-ins as they are version specific.
My unexpected crashes of 4.15 have stopped. Hasn't happened for over a week. No problems at all, even though I've been using it a lot.
So I'm guessing it was just one of those things. Or maybe my CMOS battery is dying.
The only issue I've had is the same one I've had for a while through versions. If I enable the Post Denoiser Filter the program will occassionally crash. Sometimes worse than crash. Not even a blue screen, just a display driver freeze, and I have to reboot.
Oh, and the timeline is still insufferable in user interface design terms. But I'm more forgiving of that. I don't expect it'll improve until Daz implements a newer version of the UI framework.
The status of CMOS battery has nothing to do with how the computer or applications work when the computer is connected to the mains.
It's only purpose is to preserve the Bios settings when the motherboard has no power coming elsewhere.
I was joking. There's another thread speculating about 346 possible causes for someone's computer problems and it made me chuckle...
Lately, all Daz versions were working reasonably well for me although sometimes they crash with no explanation or warning just widow daz disappears as if never existed. But Iray is reasonably stable.
I did not notice any significant changes when updated to 4.15 but my recommendation for everyone is when you update Daz, make a copy of the old version in program files in case you want to compare something or use the old version for some reason. So by upgrading you lose nothing. Try both versions and choose which you like most.
Some people complain about betas here but in reality, all Daz versions are highly unstable and it does not matter if it is beta or not it is all about the specific situation. most of the time betas were more stable than official releases for me
If that is your impression, ok... I got back to the 3D scene 5 years ago and while 4.8/4.9 did occasionally crash, the later ones have been very stable.
I just wish they wouldn't update both beta and release simultaneously, it kind of defeats the purpose, I made that mistake without a backup with 4.11 of assuming if the beta works the next release build would the same but no they introduced a new "bug" feature for me animating the inability to disable Optix in both with 4.12, now know the term beta for DAZ is arbitrary.
I'm not sure what you are saying. The beta is always at least as new as the release, soemtimes they are the same and sometimes the beta is ahead for a while. They are, if the versions match, identical though the settings are not shared so it's possible for there to be behavioural differences.
what I mean is if the previous beta works and has some extra features that could be buggy for some, one should expect the next production build to be that version with the bugs attended to.
Not a simultaneous new version as happened with 4.12
For example, the prior beta had the ability to disable Optix Prime but when they removed that in the next beta they also did in the next production build too.
I know it is not a bug for users of later generations of Nvidia cards that don't do animation,
likewise the cards whose support is being dropped for, it's intentional by Nvidia but people who had a working version of DAZ studio very likely didn't enjoy being blindsided by the next production build mirroring the beta by dropping support for their cards either,
I now am uneasy about my 980ti in the future too and cannot ever expect the next production build won't cease to support it even if the previous beta did.
That is one of the only reason I never moved on from daz plus I rolled back my NVIDIA driver back 436.30. Because that was the last version you could actually turn off/on the opitex prime acceleration and if you use GTX GPU's that is a pretty important feature to get the most of your GTX gpu.
The Daz Studio releases after the and drivers newer than 438.70 all have opitex prime on by default which absolutely kills the vram in the gtx gpu. Wich makes the GTX gpu's unbearably useless for daz studio iray rendering with out drop to cpu issues.
Frankly I really been enjoying using the 4.12 versions its quick for iray renders, one of the faster iray renderers dazz had put out. I'm getting around 12 seconds a key frame. Deforce is stable and I hardly if ever get any crashes if i do its usually becaise i did something to create it.
. I have tried upgrading to 4.14 to try filament. but soon relies this issue with the opitex prime accelerator always being on and rolled back to daz 4.12 .. am still using 2 gtx 1080ti 11 gig gpu's and have no plans on upgrading them until they have died. they just cost to much to keep swapping out hardware for every new daz version. and seeming my rendering system is never online the driver updates for security is not a issue. so with 2 great working version of daz studio Beta and public build is as far as I am going until this render rig no longer runs. I have priorities for where my monies going right now. the pandemic has not been kind to my disposable income.