Old Scenes doesnt load any textures

PGandaraPGandara Posts: 34

i updrade my computer keeping my old hard drive , then i installed Daz again , reloaded my libraries using the content manager, but none of my old saves load any texture, morphs, characters, clothing all load fine, but none of the textures load, does anyone know how to fix this??

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  • It looks as if you had nested content diectories on your old system, with both a "Content" folder and the folder that contained it selected. In saving the scenes DS stoed the txture paths relative to the parent folder, and so included the folder named content in the path. You should be able tofind the missign textures in a later dialogue - do one and with luck all the others will then be correctly handled and you can just resave. You could also open the .duf iles (after deconmpressing with the Batch Convert pane) in a text editor that can search and replace across mutliple files and replace /Content with nothing (but make sure you keep a copy of the files in case of problems).

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