Female characters not loading

Hello Everyone,
Since the introduction of Daz Studio 4.15, I have been having issues. For some reason, since Genesis 8.1 characters have been introduced, my female characters will not load. I have most of my content on an external hard drive because my C: drive was getting full. It was suggested the best method to fix the issue was to move MyLibrary to an external hard drive then connect it to Daz using content manager. This worked great for a long time. Now to load female characters requires me to:
1. Remove the external drive from the content manager.
2. Load female character.
3. Add the external hard drive back into the content manager.
Another issue is male characters take a long time to load if I don't do the same. Can anyone tell me how to avoid having to keep adding and removing my external drive?
Sounds like something could have gone wrong with your moving of the library. I mean... if you remove the external drive with the library and then still load your character then it doesn't look like you really moved the library at all. Where is that character data coming from?
I created all my characters using Daz Studio Genesis 3 and 8 characters. Daz Studio loads up from my C: drive and it has a copy of My Library located under users-public-public documents-My DAZ 3D Library. On my F; drive I have a My DAZ 3D Library with all my content. I copied the whole My DAZ 3D Library to the external hard drive. This is a fresh installation of Daz3D 4.15, so the only content is from the Daz Central installation. I installed default resources for Daz3D 4.15, character essentials, dforce essentials, face transfer, Octane render kit, and required PostgresSQL CMS and PostgresSQL CMS from Valentina CMS conversion. I did not have this issue with the 4.14 version, but 4.15 and the new 8.1 have cause these problems.
How many characters do you have installed. Also do you have the same problem with 8.0 characters?
With the 32 created characters and 1448 Daz characters I purchased. The male character for both the Genesis 2, 3 & 8 load just load slowly, however, none Genesis 3 or 8 will load unless the external drive is not connected to Daz Content Directory Manager.
"it has a copy of My Library located under users-public-public documents-My DAZ 3D Library." - do you mean that literally?Having nested cotnent directories is highly likely to cause problems.
Yeah that explains it. See previous discussion on slow character load time https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/466376/what-can-we-do-to-improve-the-long-load-times-of-characters
First time loading a character after making change to the character files will be extra slow.
An alternative method is to make a fresh copy of genesis figure as a new figure. Load that and then apply new character to it.
Is this maybe a problem with the new DAZ Connect not liking the official purchased content having just been copied to an external drive sometime in the past? Or the Connect reinstalling the content back to his C drive? It sounds like everything was working perfectly for "a long time" until he likely used the new Connect to get the new version to try the new figures and that's when his trouble started. Almost 1500 Daz characters probably would slow loading times down quite a bit, but shouldn't stop them entirely. It doesn't sound like there's nested content folders, I had to read through that description twice, but it sounds like maybe there are duplicate copies of an entire library of almost 1500 characters on two differnt drives and I'm sure that would cause all sorts of problems.
Did you delete the content out of the daz library on your C drive when you copied the whole folder to the external drive? If you didn't, absolutely DO NOT do that now because sounds like that's the only copy you've got working at the moment.
If I'm reading what you wrote wrong then just disregard my entire post here probably. If what I'm suggesting happens to be correct, hopefully Richard revisits this thread because he always seems to know exactly how to handle pretty much anything, in three sentences, once he really understands what's really going on.
I do not have 1500 characters on the C: drive just external. It seems that the data file on the external hard drive is the problem. While loading up slow is fine because along with the 1500 characters I have other content such as clothes, props, morph, etc from 2007. I was able to get it to work by making copies of the folders I used the most and putting them onto a 3rd drive but I am still having an issue with the data file. For some reason if I copy that folder the Daz female characters will not load.
Yes, I have My DAZ 3D Library file under users-public-public documents-My DAZ 3D Library on the C: drive and a copy of the My DAZ 3D Library from my old system F: drive was not a problem in the past until I upgraded to Daz Studio 4.15. Please let me explain what occurred. My Windows operating system was having issues, and the hard drive was filling up (3TB) and had only 168GB space left. While my created characters were saved to an external hard drive, all the new content I purchased was going onto the C: drive. Since my Windows had to be replaced anyway, I made a copy of the My DAZ 3D Library before having Windows replaced on the computer. I only installed the necessary files using the DAZ DIMM installer and used the Content Directory Manager to connect the external My DAZ 3D Library. Again I did not have any problems until I upgraded to Daz Studio 4.15. Not sure why it is a problem now. I am trying to figure out how to keep from re-installing all 15,982 content over and end up with the same issue of only 168GB of space left. I just never could not figure out how to install the new content to another drive.
PLEASE!!!!! write the FULL PATH to your content.
I do not know how to write the FULL PATH. How do I write a FULL PATH? WIll that help with my issue?
Find the files in a file briowser window (you can right-click on one in DS and select Browse to Location), copy the path from the address bar.
Also please show the Content Directory manager with the Current set expanded to show thr paths - you can get that from Edit>preferences, there is a button in the Content tab.
I tried right-clicking on the File tab at the top of the page but nothing happened. Can you provide the steps, please? Also is this a method to connect the My DAZ 3D Library on the external hard drive or alter the installation path for new content?
I hate to take the chance of confusing things here, but from what I can gather they've got content installed in C:users/public/public documents/My DAZ Library. If memory servees, that's where DAZ used to like to install content by default kind of a long time ago. Somewhere along the way, maybe it was when DIM was new, if I'm remembering even close to correctly, DAZ changed the default to install in a individual user folders only and not the public documents folder. I remember having weird troubles when that happened because I had files that were installed and working, but DIM did't think they were installed and wanted me to install them again in the new preferred location.
It sounds like years(?) ago they moved the entire library, by simply copying the My DAZ LIbrary folder to a new external drive, letter F they said, and sounds like that folder may be the only thing on that drive, installed a fresh copy of DAZ on the C drive, pointed content manager at the new drive, and everything has been fine, with of course the slow loading times that having close to 1500 characters is bound to produce. Now they got the new 4.15 to use the new Gen8.1 charcters and all hell broke loose. Haven't gotten confirmation on if the new version install was through DIM or Connect. and although I'm, far from being an expert, I suspect we're going to find out that it's playing a part in what's happening. Would not be the first time I've been wrong though, today even.
I had a look, and babybuick2691 seems to have been using DAZ since 2007 and used the words "1448 Daz characters I purchased" over those years. With only 45 posts in all those years they have clearly been mostly trouble free years. I sure hope someone can help them here. Maybe someone offical, because this software might not even be here for us today without folks like them supporting it financially at that level for that ammount of time. I think I'm really just posting to try to help bring attention to this, so that someone who has the knowledge, skills, or access to DAZ internals, can come and help. They don't mention filing any sort of official ticket, which really seems appropriate given the longstanding of the account, and after this many days without any real help I'd be pulling my hair out.
To be clear, This is my second DAZ account, I lost access to the email for the first one, and I don't remember when I first used DAZ, but it was almost that long ago. I don't know that I've ever bought any content from DAZ or any other 3D site for that matter. Just enjoyed manipulating the characters DAZ gave everyone for free and learning how to modify them in other software and reimport. I only discovered the other site stores for freebees within the last year. I lurked around this forum or places like SY's deviant page for years just trying to learn whatever I could without bothering anyone. I only just recently feel like I have the level of understanding to try to help answer other people's questions, or pass on little tips I've stumbled upon along the way.
I almost want to try to file an official support ticket on their behalf. Are we even allowed to do that?
This is diagnostic.
Right-click on one of the things you are trying to load, in the content pane you are using, and select Browse to File Location - this should open a file browser window, with ana ddress bar (text box) at the top showing the location - select that, copy it, and paste it here.
In Daz Studio go to Edit>Preferences, click the Content tab in the dialogue, click the Content Directory Manager button. Under Current Dierctroies click all of the + buttons to expand the lists, take a screen shot, and add it to your post.
Here is the path to the My DAZ 3D Library on the external hard drive: F:\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 3 Females\Characters
You have;
E:\Daz\G3 Female Characters
E:\Daz\G3 Female Characters
E:\Daz\Created Characters
Specified as Content directories, why and what's installed in them?
When I tried to load female characters from My DAZ 3D Library on the F: hard drive, they would not load. The only way I could access the female characters was by making a copy of the female character files folder and paste them into a separate location. However, the problem now is that I can't access the data for the characters' shapes. I tried just using the My DAZ 3D Library on the F: drive by it no longer works. If I could, I would like to go back to using just the My DAZ 3D Library on the F: drive then, I could get rid of both female characters folders, but I am now having a problem with the new Daz Studio working with the folder on the external drive. The created characters are simply a link to my created characters folder.
The way you have specified those directories may have confused DS even more, since DS expects those to be base directories for Content Libraries
I don't see an issue with the directories - there's no nessting - but the question remians as to where the files are within those directories.
I am not sure I understand the question. The My DAZ 3D Library folder is an exact copy from the old C: drive, and the female characters folders are copies from each character's folders. For example, G3 Female Characters is a copy of the characters folder located under Genesis 3 female with a different name. The MyDazContent folder contains commonly used items such as the props folder. I did it this way is to have access to items when My DAZ 3D Library on the external hard drive is disconnected from the Content Directory Manager. Currently, none of the Genesis 8 figures load when that file is connected.
Hello Everyone,
For clarity, let me explain my issue. Everything worked perfectly with me have an exact copy of My DAZ 3D Library folder from the old hard drive until I upgraded Daz Studio from 4.12 to 4.15. Previously I had the My DAZ 3D Library folder located on an external hard drive connected using the Content Directory Manager with no issues. For some reason, Genesis 8 female characters no longer will load into the workspace since upgrading. Not sure if it is because of Genesis 8.1 female, but if I want to load any Genesis 8 female character, the external My DAZ 3D Library folder must be removed from the Content Directory Manager. Only Genesis 8 female, 8.1 female from the C: drive and created female characters will load up in the workspace when the external My DAZ 3D Library folder is removed. The problem is when My DAZ 3D Library folder is re-connected. I don't have access to the data, such as shapes and morphs for my characters. Yes, I have the basic Genesis 8 female installed in both the C: and F: drive My DAZ 3D Library folders to access 8.1 female characters because I plan to purchase Victoria 8.1.
From you explanations I get the idea that you only took the files and folders that can be found in "...\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\" and copied them into "E:\Daz\G8 Female Characters\" and specified "E:\Daz\G8 Female Characters\" as the base directory for a content library in DS
Stuck on this screen for 10 minutes
So what did you copy - the /People/Genesis 8 female/ folder and its subfolders?
Have you looked at your log file? My best guess is that by copying files and folders around you now have a lot of duplicate files. That most likely would cause a craptastic numbers errors that would bring loading the figure to a crawl and possibly even crashing.
How do I look at the log file? And yes, sometimes there are duplicate files when loading characters, but I was told that was alright because this is my 6th PC since beginning to use Daz Studio.
That has only the user-facing files, none of the assets that they call on. Those live in the Data folder, plus maops in /Runtime/textures/ 9and those account for most of the disc space used).
Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File.
Duplicate Formulas usually mean there is a naming clash between two products - they will certainly slow loading and stop the second product found from working; they may have further consequences.