Daz studio key set question

Hello everybody,
the premise to the question is the following:
when you move the slider of -to say- a smiling pose, several bones of the face rig move to pose the character face.
However, when you key that pose, the key if set on the pose slider node only and not on the various bones of the face rig that are involved in making that pose.
It obviously makes sens. Almost always.
The question is:
is there a simple and quick way to set a key related to key set on the slider node on each of the bones moved by the slider itself?
Thanks in advance!
Edit>Figure>Bake Transforms will move the values from the cotnroller to the individual bones, if they are bones - it doesn't, however, touch morphs controlled by another morph/property slider.
Thank you for the answer,
unfortunately it seems I am missing something.
I tried that command but, after a whole lot of thinking, Daz studio crashes or, if not, it simply zeroes the bones transforms.
I also tried the varius options available with the same result.
It does not matter anyway.
The scope was to swich face expressions back and forth between Daz studio and Motionbuilder and, in the meantime, I found a way to use morphs instead that the face rig bones.
On the other hand I will be interested in understanding the right use of that command. Can you suggest me where to find some documentation about it?
Thanks again for your concern!