Worth having the files in the ssd for faster rendering?

Let's say I have some characters with textures and files in the ssd. Would this benefit render times with iray?
Is worth doing it?
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Let's say I have some characters with textures and files in the ssd. Would this benefit render times with iray?
Is worth doing it?
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Has no effect on rendering, unless you are doing it with the CPU and the amount of your RAM is so small that the OS is using your hamster powered harddrive as an extension to RAM
Has a miniscule effect on loading times of the scenes, but due to other (bigger) issues with loading times, you may as well use the largest USB HDD to store your stuff, the affordable SSD:s will fill up too fast anyways.
Yeah, I think the process is, generally:
But the hard drive is pretty much done once the data has been loaded into D|S (system RAM), unless, as PerttiA says, the hard drive is being used as virtual memory (slow as molasses) rather than using fast system RAM.
Of course it might help with step 1 if you have a faster SSD, but I'm not sure if the loading speed is software (D|S) limited or hardware (hard drive/SCSI) limited. As I mentioned before, you can have the fastest hardware on the planet, but if the software isn't capable of utilizing that speed it's of little benefit.
From the tests I ran, SSD made no difference. I decided to use my SSD for games, which at least sped up loading screens by using SSD, and use a massive HDD for content.
If you use the Smart Content tab, put the CMS on the SSD for faster content lookups. I have over 15,000 products installed and the CMS is only using 2.64 GB. But the content proper - just put it pretty much anywhere; once you add it to the scene its in memory and disk speed is irrelevant.
No effect on rendering but I would still recommend putting your library on the fastest storage you have.
Daz loads a lot of files when loading scenes, objects, morphs etc. Lots of files means lots of seek times and seek times is where SSD's excel.
My library is around 500GB and I've noticed a big difference in load times going from HDD to SSD to PCI-E4 M2 drive.