Saving morph presets from characters?

I read an interesting post recently about too many morphs on a character causing slower renders. It's gotten to my attention that I realize I now see the light, even though there is virtually little impact on my side at this point, despite that I have purchased so many morphs by this point. I feel as if I could get my renders to move much faster.
That said, I think it would be a good idea for me to create morph presets for each morph on all of my genesis 1 through 8 figures. That way, it could result in much faster renders, even though I presently rely on 3Delight, which I use for pwToon renders.
One item I use which slows down my renders is the Charli Hair for Genesis 3 females. I am suspecting that hairstyle has a lot of morphs.
What would I have to do in order to save presets for each individual morph?
Wont speed up renders. The morph bloat issue effects load time of the models. Hairs are slower to render for many reasons.
A preset is just values to be assigned to morphs, it doesn't chnage the number of morphs loaded. The number of proeprties issue affects loading and posing, where the slots and relationships have to be set up and then the consequences of changes traced through; rendering just handles the final shape and its speed is not affected directly by properties and modifiers.
I think it is quite possible that the Charli hair has a lot of polygons. That could slow down renders for the most part.
Maybe I should consider using my Decimator add-on on that hairstyle to reduce the polygon count.
Decimator isn't likely to improve any hairdo.
In 3Delight, one can select the hair and turn off shadows, that renders faster. In Iray one cannot do that. Depending upon the scene, turning off 'draw ground' may help a bit.
No, you misreaded that topic, many morphs slow down the process of loading your figure, slower renders is subjective, if you are reffering to iRay viewport then the answer is no, iRay preview is not a render.
but many morphs: will Slow your Animate2 processes, Puppeteer processes.
about the hair, Catherine is right, even using Decimator wont accelerate your viewport in a way to make a strong difference, neither changing all to Base Resolution or turning off Smoothing.
What to do?
Slow renders: Use Denoiser, Low your maximum iterations to 450 for a single figure and 1500 for an entire scene, interior environments?...change to 2500 iterations, Use an script to resize your textures and don't worry, they get along with your heavy and paid textures on the same folder, they just add an apendix on the name that differentiates from the original as _1024 or _2048.
Hair so heavy: is not necessary to have displayed when you manipulate, right?, just Visible it OFF, when you get your idealized posed figure you Turn Visible ON and render finally.