Lost and Found

Several days ago, hundreds of items showed up in the Lost and Found library folder in my Smart Content and in my Content Library. Some of the entries are not labeled for a particular software but most are labeled for DS, Ps, Poser CF, Studio CF, or Legacy. All are categorized with the User Created icon. When I click on some of the items, its files are displayed but when I click on others, no files are displayed. I have moved (right click, "Move Category to") several items not labeled for a specific software to other Default categories. I have held off on those marked for Ps, Poser CF, Studio CF, or Legacy, and for several marked for DS that also have software specific labels - for example, Valentine Candy, Valentine Candy DS and Valentine Candy DS.
Is it safe to delete the DS, Ps, Poser CF, Studio CF, or Legacy categorized items? All of the Lost and Found items? I can find all of the Lost and Found items elsewhere (Smart Content, Content Library Products, or DAZ Studio Formats.
Any guidance or previous experience on this will be appreciated.
I also would want to know wich of them one could delete, since they just take space, if we not have another program that uses these ones. As far as i understand it:

Poser CF and PS = Poser
Studio CF and DS = Daz3D Studio 3.0 to now...
Legacy = Daz3D Studio 4.0 and lower?!
The board search is so buggy, one cannot even find 3 words in a row... Fix that already please!
I wouldn't just start removing contents from the library, instead check your installer to see what packages were installed. You're right of course: this could save you a lot of diskspace. It actually took me a few years before I figured this one out myself, so I started looking for 'DS' in the Daz Installer ("DIM") and removed those packages in there. This is a lot safer because there are a few (rare?) packages where you actually purchase Poser material to be used in Daz Studio. Which is why I would suggest using the installer: that way you can check if you actually have 2 versions of the same package. For example (fictional names here): "Vicky" and "Vicky PS". In this case the PS version can be removed. But if you only find one "PS package" then it might actually not be excessive material.
Hope this can help.
Hi, Joe, yes is safe delete any kind of content bought from Daz Store, because with DIM installer you can make 2 things:
Content from others stores, is not safe because DIM installers does not support 3rd Party Content, but, if you old content is downloable on the original store, is fine to do so.
Thanks all. I should have mentioned that I know what the extensions mean (DS, PS, Legacy, CF, etc.) and that I do have Poser installed on my new laptop (also Bryce, Hexagon, Carrara 6, iClone, 3ds Max). I bought it in 2019 and it is a gaming class laptop that I principally use only for 3D and 2D computer graphics; I'm a recently retired and a hobbyist who has more time to play more with this stuff. I have legacy versions of DS going back to version 2.5 but I only have DS 4.15 installed.
I think/guess that the entries in the Lost and Found don't take up much/any disk space since they are only pointers to the database information for content and deleting items from the Lost and Found category won't actually delete the content from disk storage. As noted, I want to keep some/most of it. What will take up some space is duplicate installations such as, possibly, Vicky and Vicky PS.
Ideally, all content would appear in the Smart Content, but that will never be the case. The goal that I am aiming for is to have all content neatly organized in Products and also in Categories.
I will make greater use of the DIM to locate possiblle duplicate installations of the same content (Vicky and Vick DS for example). I like the install/uninstall feature as well as many other features of DIM. I home DIM doesn't get replaced by DAZCentral.