IRay Glossiness

I wonder whether I am alone in automatically going to the IRay surfaces tab for new products and turning down the Glossiness parameters? So often I find that the vendor has left the Gloss colour on full white with reflection at a high value and, as though to compensate, turned up the Gloss Roughness setting to full also (which, incidentally, makes the OpenGL viewport display of that item unrecognisable). This is mainly a problem with props and clothing - not, thankfully, with skin settings.


  • Glosiness and other issues on surface panel like finding a lot of values with an "?" sign when I apply skin settings.

    another issue is having Specular on high ...and only Roughness is at 1.0 value.

    This is Trance right after loading on my viewport, no surface tweaking from my part and I have this multiple interrogation marks

    Can i fix it?, Yeah I must, me, to fix it?, Do i have to put time an effort to do that?, I'm experienced and  yes is an easy fix,  but for a novice in DS are they too?

    Or what is this, OmUberSurface shader on Victoria 8.1 product?



  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    I think that the "?" is because there is more than one surface selected so there would be more than one value for that parameter.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    marble said:

    I think that the "?" is because there is more than one surface selected so there would be more than one value for that parameter.

    That is correct.

    The OmUberSurface is a 3Delight shader, just run the Iray Uber Shader on it and change the settings to suit Iray. 

  • I also find the the glossiness if often set too high for props. Adding roughness can improve the realism for many surface types.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Granville said:

    I also find the the glossiness if often set too high for props. Adding roughness can improve the realism for many surface types.

     I find Roughness works best with metals and use Specular/Glossiness for everything else.

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