New Tabs and Growing Panes (why don't they work?)

I'm trying to add more "Top side tabs" to work with. I managed to get a new tab called "My DAZ" created but it was dull and dead. I opened a PANE and got a viewport. I then opened "Scene" and got the scene tab I'm used to seeing in my four normal tabs. However, I cannot get them to align how I want with Viewport taking up the lion's share of the window and Scene being on the right like with my default setup. I've monkeyed with it for over an hour and am just stumped. Any ideas?

This is what I want my new tab to have. The panes and such with additional tabs on the side:


Instead, this is what I got so far:


  • First off your current tabs are not docked on the side like most, you can change that by undocking.  You undock by right clicking on the name of the tab and choose undock which should be near the bottom of the list. Then click the top bar on the window and drag to the sides to dock them. You will know if you have it right if you press the left mouse button to drag and a little square shows up. You should be able to get them to stick to the side of the program by simply dragging the tabs to it, but I am not positive of this. You can choose which tabs you want by going to window up top and panes, you will have to dock each one.

    Let me know if this is helpful or you need more information.

  • Drag by the top bar of the floating pane group to dock it - when it's in the right place you will get a line of the highlight colour.

  • Richard am I right about simply dragging a window to the sides to make it dock, like I suggested?  I have never had thsi problem before so not really sure it works like that to get the side panels like he wants.

  • Faeryl Womyn said:

    Richard am I right about simply dragging a window to the sides to make it dock, like I suggested?  I have never had thsi problem before so not really sure it works like that to get the side panels like he wants.

    Yes, I was stressing by the top bar as it is also possible to drag a pane by its tab, but that's for moving between pane groups rather than for docking a group.

  • Ok great, will play around with Daz and test all that out, will help if anyone asks about this again.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited February 2021

    Okay, thank you guys. I wasn't aware there were two ways to grab a tab.

    It is usable now in my mind, at least, though the tabs are docked horizontally along the top. Is there any way to make them veritcal? Like I said, it's useable as is, they work WITH my viewport as opposed to fighting it but if I can't make it work all the way I'd like to.

    Post edited by Winter Throwback on
  • I had that problem before, I think you undock and then drag them to the sides to dock there.  If not I think it was Richard who helped me when I had that happen.

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