rendering difference



  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Dustrider-the last section where you render the interior looks just the way i want it at the start of that section-as i was stating mine never look like that

    what pixel settings do you have yours set to in render, are there any other settings that are important?


    in the th3 planes section, the rim and key plane-are they at 1200 or 12,000 lum?

    also which lite goes in front facing figure-rim key or fill? thanks

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    thnaks for the video, however, even though setting pixel to .9 in filter, things still look as washed out as ever on my renders, let me find a super crisp render to really show what id love to get the look of and ill post it.


    does anyone know how to get rid ok those little white dots that remain in the render even after setting cutoff of the illuminated cone to.0001? thanks

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    Dustrider-the last section where you render the interior looks just the way i want it at the start of that section-as i was stating mine never look like that

    what pixel settings do you have yours set to in render, are there any other settings that are important?


    in the th3 planes section, the rim and key plane-are they at 1200 or 12,000 lum?

    also which lite goes in front facing figure-rim key or fill? thanks

    Sorry for the slow reply, life got really busy.

    I'm guessing you are actually interested in the settings that Zilvergrafix used in the scene in the video??

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273
    edited February 2021

    i think i managed to copy the settings, the results did not look as good as the video, thanks though---now  i can finally post an image to showjust the type renders i have seen that really pop out the most    the thing i would like most is to give the figure/skin that plastic type of barbie doll feel as the coachman's hands are in the image-coachman wouldnt load couldnt find image again, these hands are sort of plastic like though

    1358 x 1218 - 2M
    Post edited by VicS on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    the best effect ive been able to acheive is with making primitives emmisive lites, here i put 2 small emmisives spheres , i will try with spot lights as was suggested and f only i can get that plastic skin look!


    1948 x 2004 - 4M
  • vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    Dustrider-the last section where you render the interior looks just the way i want it at the start of that section-as i was stating mine never look like that, what pixel settings do you have yours set to in render, are there any other settings that are important?

    The video was not created by Dustrider cheeky ...but I would like if he would share some of his techniques because their renders are pretty awesome. laugh  that is why I was honored to have him on the End of Year Gallery on my Channel.

    now check your questions: 

    Pixel Settings: for fast visualization there because was shooted on video simultaneosly I did Quality value to 0.10 and full Denoisier.

    Other Settings important?: YES, low values for iRay Iterations, when denoisier does all the magic I set iterations to a max value of 450-500 it


    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    in the th3 planes section, the rim and key plane-are they at 1200 or 12,000 lum?

    also which lite goes in front facing figure-rim key or fill? thanks

    in lumens are on 12K, but if you set units to Watts is 1200,  the value for itself is irrelevant, just make sure that 3 planes have the same value.

    the same goes for which plane is in front because shares the same value in emissive shader, the key here is make an angle signaling the figure because that lights must be on a height above the head, both 3 lights just fill in the same value, there is a trick on Exposure Value and that environment has its own light sets like the candle, so, all lights must equalize and no one can overpass or will be over exposure on your final rendering. 

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited February 2021

    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    thnaks for the video, however, even though setting pixel to .9 in filter, things still look as washed out as ever on my renders, let me find a super crisp render to really show what id love to get the look of and ill post it.

    All interior renders takes more time than any other kind of render like exterior or single backdrop, for a crip render you have 2 options, low your quality value if you set Quality parameters or doin very high iterations, easy and fast: low quality and zero denoisier, Render for sale: High Iterations and big size or image ready to print.

    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    does anyone know how to get rid ok those little white dots that remain in the render even after setting cutoff of the illuminated cone to.0001? thanks

    Any geometry doing emmisive and should being invisible at 0.0001 will vanished with long iteration terms, patience is the key. 

    Post edited by Zilvergrafix on
  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited February 2021

    I invite you to look Part 02 and Part 03 is a few hours to release.

    Post edited by Zilvergrafix on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Thnanks a lot!

    Zilvergraphics wrote-"low your quality value if you set Quality parameters or doin very high iterations, easy and fast: low quality and zero denoisier, Render for sale: High Iterations and big size or image ready to print."

    i cant find -Quality parameters- iterations- low quality and zero denoisier

    searching in render settings, can you please post some screen shots?

  • vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    searching in render settings, can you please post some screen shots?

    this settings 


  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    Zilvergrafix said:

    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    Dustrider-the last section where you render the interior looks just the way i want it at the start of that section-as i was stating mine never look like that, what pixel settings do you have yours set to in render, are there any other settings that are important?

    The video was not created by Dustrider cheeky ...but I would like if he would share some of his techniques because their renders are pretty awesome. laugh  that is why I was honored to have him on the End of Year Gallery on my Channel.

    now check your questions: 

    Pixel Settings: for fast visualization there because was shooted on video simultaneosly I did Quality value to 0.10 and full Denoisier.

    Other Settings important?: YES, low values for iRay Iterations, when denoisier does all the magic I set iterations to a max value of 450-500 it


    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    in the th3 planes section, the rim and key plane-are they at 1200 or 12,000 lum?

    also which lite goes in front facing figure-rim key or fill? thanks

    in lumens are on 12K, but if you set units to Watts is 1200,  the value for itself is irrelevant, just make sure that 3 planes have the same value.

    the same goes for which plane is in front because shares the same value in emissive shader, the key here is make an angle signaling the figure because that lights must be on a height above the head, both 3 lights just fill in the same value, there is a trick on Exposure Value and that environment has its own light sets like the candle, so, all lights must equalize and no one can overpass or will be over exposure on your final rendering. 

     Thanks so much! What an amazing compliment coming from someone as talented as you are!

    My techniques are pretty "simple", it's all just lighting and shaders, with minor post work to help the image pop a bit. Feel free to ask about anything in any of my images. I don't have any secrets to protect, since I just use DS for fun laugh

  • DustRider said:

    My techniques are pretty "simple", it's all just lighting and shaders, with minor post work to help the image pop a bit. Feel free to ask about anything in any of my images. I don't have any secrets to protect, since I just use DS for fun laugh

     I'll take your word wink



  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    looking good! thank you! wow it works now! I wish i knew this years ago buit am so happy i finally am able to do nice renders!! Are there any more settings to get even more different effects but nice and clear ? thnaks again


    it ndidnt matter if the items had iray uber base -they rendered great-even the free Retro Arcade Cabinets look great now! am i ever glad i found those-now I can FINALLY enjoy working with daz


    I would stil like to get g8 and the big comfy chair to look more crisp in the render if there are any further settings to help me achieve that, as far as the table with the plte and starbucks - that i amj have zero complaints about

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    sorry, it looks olike images didnt load up again


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2021

    vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    sorry, it looks olike images didnt load up again


    Did you attach the images,  using the Attach a file button (under the type message box)


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    yup. i did, maybe it will let me again later, im trying t oattach em now see if it works, im still getting the white dots in the render-strangely only sometimes, i have max samples set to 650 and rendering quality is.10 i thought the renders would take longer so those white dots can be rendered out but they may even be faster with these settings

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    hers the image with dots


  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    colors in this render are the real thing -  still i would like the figures to be clearer as other redners

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    looks like the white dots disapeared in viewport render-the real renders render fast the white dots are in the finished renders- what could be changed in settings for it to make the render take longer whilte keeping the same image quality-thats what will get rid of the white dots is when it will render longer right? did i get all the setings correct -what about the denoiser set to zero, i couldnt find that

  • vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    looks like the white dots disapeared in viewport render-the real renders render fast the white dots are in the finished renders- what could be changed in settings for it to make the render take longer whilte keeping the same image quality-thats what will get rid of the white dots is when it will render longer right? did i get all the setings correct -what about the denoiser set to zero, i couldnt find that

    iRay Viewport  IS NOT a Render,

    Render is the conversion from 3D geometry to 2D image, remember that, the only thing you must evaluate in preview is your lights and the impact on your scene as primary, shaders are secondary.

    Denoise zero?, Turn Off, make renders longer?, increase the max iterations, want fast render? buy a better GPU than installed, there is no magic involved, with all the tricks enabled in any configurations you will sacrifice one parameter for other, is like wanting caustics inside interior env and want speed like exterior env rendering...your skills come to hand when you know what parameter is priority and debalancing the others, that is the true of 3D.

    For the white dots, make sure that Firefly parameter is ON. 

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    yes i was saying that in viewport the white dots eventually disapear but as for the real render they are not, i guess i need the render to go for longer, can you tell me exactly which setting i should use for that and what value to experiment with, thanks

  • vshyman002_5e5365036b said:

    yes i was saying that in viewport the white dots eventually disapear but as for the real render they are not, i guess i need the render to go for longer, can you tell me exactly which setting i should use for that and what value to experiment with, thanks

    I never go more than 1200 iterations and depends so much from the figure nearest on camera takes all that iterations, the same if is an interior scene, I only go higher if renders are client's comissions, for just ilustration tests or post on galleries is not necessary so much iterations. one tip is using denoiser and verify what iterations suffices your visual perspective as a render done, and low that value as a maximum. with denoiser you can get full renders with less than 500 iterations, depends so much of what you want to offer to the internet, I published a realistic image using filament and got ignored,, nobody asked for my settings so...due to that I promised never got so far for nothing. I can assure when a famous artist do the same as me they will ask for settings and parameters, always the fame, duh...

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    yeah i hear you! can you show me screen shot of iterations setting slider cause i cant find that word anywhere in render settings-is that the same as max samples? and can you explain why the rendering quality is set to .10-i mean it seems to work but im wondering why that would ne a low number instead of a high one

    if i wan the figure in camera focus to be as clear as can be are you saying then go up to 1200 iterations? thanks


    btw-i restarted the computer and the white dot issue and other weird pixels is all gone now i believe, guess you cant run daz so long without it needing a break

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Yeah, samples = iteration
    Personally, I just turn the quality off, along with setting time to 0 to turn that trigger off too and use sample settings and or eyeballs to tell when it's done

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    thanks TheKD, quality means render quailty im sure but

    where would i find setting time?

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Max time, should be right under max samples in progressive render section.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    when i put post denoiser enable on it renders fast with no white dots however the hair gets blurred out with no hair strand definition- everything else like food looks great 

    when i set it to off the hair looks normal but there are white dots, even in more areas than the emissive shapes-

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    the leather texture on the shoe also get s blurred out in the render where it looks like there is only a clor, no bump or texture is noticable at all

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    maybe i should restart daz more often, i did and the hair looks fine now, but now the white dots are bad, the render is very fast, i tried max time to zero and to 1,000,000 both ways the render is very fast the dots are in final render and viewport render also

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    the render goes so fast it has no time to render out the hair-everything else it seems to render good with that speed-in viewport after a long time hair is still blurred, strange that it seems to be all that is being bluirred 

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