deleting the full animation

When I am making an animation sequence for g8 and then some things go wrong that get way out of hand where I cant figure out how to make it good again I can't find a way to begin the animation again from scratch, is there a way or do you simply have to begin a brand new file with new g8 with no key frames at all associated with her? thanks for the help
In the Timeline pane's option menu (the lined/hamburger button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) there is an option to Clear Animation
Thanks Richard, i selected clear pane by mistake now there is no timeline , is there a way to get it back?
Window>Panes(Tabs)>Timeline, then drag by the top bar of the pane group down to the bottom of the DS window until a line of the hifghlight colourt appears, at which point frop it to dock it. You can also reset the whole UI from Window>Workspace>Select Layout.