Changing skin translucency strength has no effect



I'm new to DAZ.  This forum has been very helpful, thanks.  Been looking at tutorials on how to change skin tone.  All of them point toward changing the translucency strength to allow more of the underlying color to show through.  However, when I change it (see image) I see no change at all to my character's skin color.

How do you all approach changing skin tone?  Seems like I shouldn't have to select each component of the character and make skin tone changes for each.  Seems like there would be a simple slider somewhere to change skin color/tone.  Maybe I'm missing it.



2560 x 1049 - 200K


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The skin on your model is a 3DLight skin and you have the Preview set to Iray. You will have to either run the Iray Uber Shader on it and use the surface tab to redo all the skin settings or use an Iray skin that is for the Character you are using.

  • That sort of makes sense.  No idea what iRay skins are, but I'll start Googling, thanks!

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    heynewt said:

    That sort of makes sense.  No idea what iRay skins are, but I'll start Googling, thanks!

    They are just skins made for Iray, some characters have them some don't. The easiest way is to select the caharacter, go to the surface tab, select all the surfaces and run the Iray Uber Shader on them. Once you do that you can select all the skin and change the settings to get the skin that you want. Then save it as a Material Preset for that character and then you will always have it. 

  • That's a great tip!  I'll try that right now.  Thanks again for your time on this.

  • FYI, it worked great!  Thanks again.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    heynewt said:

    FYI, it worked great!  Thanks again.

     You're welcome.

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