Genesis to Genesis 2, 3 or 8 Character Converter?

Are there any scripts that can convert Genesis 1 characters (including morphs, head, etc.) to Genesis 2, 3 and/or 8 figures?
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Are there any scripts that can convert Genesis 1 characters (including morphs, head, etc.) to Genesis 2, 3 and/or 8 figures?
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GenX2 and its various add-ons will convert morphs from Genesis to G2 and G3.
Main program:
G2 add-on:
G3 add-on:
Unfortunately D3D passed away before G8 release so there's no G8 add-on, but there are converters from other vendors to go from G2 or G3 to G8.
Please send me a PM if you have links to those other vendors? A cheaper one or even a freebie would be good.
Zev0's XTransfer:
RiverSoft Art character converters:
Sorry, I don't know of any cheaper or free ones.
You can convert morphs from one figure to the other manually yourself, though, if you're willing to do the work. Here are a few tutorials about that:
I bought G8F to G3F ( becouse G3 seems to take a lot less processing power than G8. Sadly all that happens when I try to open the script is a message "error reading file." I've tried redownloading and contacting DAZ for a month but it still doesn't work. Any ideas? I've have other products from this company and have had not problems.
How did you install? A lot of scripts do not work correctly in installed through DS.
I will point out that the difference in load time between Genesis 3 and 8 is probably down to the number of morphs present - so be careful about how many you convert or you may slow Genesis 3 down too.
Is there a Genesis to Genesis 8 converter? the Gen X 2 tool will not import the Genesis file and re-save to Genesis 3, it keeps looking for poser files. I cannot figure out X transfer and it's getting annoying. It shouldn't be this hard to create a genesis 8 character from poser or genesis. I successfully converted the poser character to genesis. Gen X 2 will not save it under genesis 3 even with the genesis 2 and 3 plugins installed, it doesn't accept the skin mats on the genesis 3 character like it does on the genesis. The x transfer tool is a useless waste of money to me, it converted something then disappeared and didn't tell me where the files went. There's very little videos on youtube to figure this out.
TBH I still would like to see a Victoria 4 to G8F character converter.
+ 1
GenX2 will convert morphs, it doesn't help with textures. You need products like Cayman Studios Legacy UVs to use previous generation textures on G3 or G8 (the V4 to G3F one is at Rendo, other are in their store here).
what about genesis 2 male to genesis 8 female? is that possible?
You probably would need to convert the G2M maps to G2F UVs with map tranfer in DS (I don't remember if you need an UV Swap product for G2 or if they're included) then use the G2F legacy UVs for G8F.
Male to female need a proper morph.. I've done one to convert a G8F to a male figure (it's yet in testing phase), you can find it in the Freebe section of the forum.
Usually is more confortable use the female to male because the female has more polygons in chest and bottom areas, so you have a more accurate mesh. If you use a male you obtain a low-poly feminine chest.. not the best.
If you are a PA you can also create a HD morph so this problem doesn't exist.. and you can start from a low poly to a high poly morph (the function is active only for PA.. not everyone).
wanted a cow head morph for g8 female as i can't find one in the shop . thank you for your reply ^^
there is this one:
but it's for G2F and maybe it's a full body morph (you can change manually the morph influence with geometry editor)