What to do for some content that you install from third sites

I have got a 3th party morph content i cant use it in daz 3d 4.12. Is there someway to explain how to do it manually?
Also i tried a few things to do it.
Like crating a " My Content " file inside " C:\Users\ -User Name- \Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio " and pasting folders wich is inside of content folder.
Than opening daz => right clicking smart content => Content DB Maintence => Checking Process Metadata queue and Reimport Metadata.
The Data folder from the zip needs to merge with the Data folder that is in the content directory you are using, if it's in a sub-folder it won't be found when Daz Studio loads the figure. If there is a people folder in the zip, with presets for applying the morphs, thata gain merges with the existing People folder (though putting it elsewhere won't break the morphs).
This is a shot in the dark since there is not much information to go on ... but sometimes products from third parties will appear / work under the 'poser format' or 'other import format' rather than the 'daz format' ( see Zilvergrafix image above ) ... have you tried using those formats to search in?