Zips from other stores

sliders49sliders49 Posts: 89
edited February 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

quick question

when purchasing items off the rendoriticy site they come as a ZIP file. How does one go about converting then transferring the purhases to the Daz studio? 

Can someone take me thru the numbers ? eplain it like i'm a 50 year old (4 year olds get it. Old farts not so)


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266

    Unzip the Files look at the readme.txt or in the Documentation Folder. You will find instructions like that:

    Unzip file. Copy the following folders to your Daz3d library (typically found under My Documents):


  • Now after I copy the folders to the Daz library what next? are the items appear in the say "figures" ? 


  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266

    You will find the in the Content Library. Figures, People etc.

    But most of them will not be shown in "Smart Content".

  • Thread title edited as it applies to all non-DIM zips.

  • Thanks appreiciate your help, but I can't find the files in my Smart or Content Library. 

    Damn! Stuff never seems to work for me. Why I hate tech. I found those files people runtime data , I moved them to the Daz libray in "documents" and when I go into Daz They not there. Hmmmm...

    Any other suggestions? 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Most products from other stores don't have metadata so they won't appear in Smart Content, you will need to categorize them yourself if you want to see them there.

    As for files not appearing in Content Library: what did you install exactly, and where are you looking for the files? Some products are in Poser format, for example, so you won't find them if you're looking in the "Daz Studio formats" section.

  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266

    sliders49 said:

    Thanks appreiciate your help, but I can't find the files in my Smart or Content Library. 

    Damn! Stuff never seems to work for me. Why I hate tech. I found those files people runtime data , I moved them to the Daz libray in "documents" and when I go into Daz They not there. Hmmmm...

    Any other suggestions? 

    You moved all to "documents" - thats wrong. You have to move to the folders as described in the readme.txt! Then you find them in the correct category in your content library! 

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited February 2021

    There is nothing smart about about Smart Content, it relies on metadata to properly tag any content from other sites wont include metadata.  Correctly installed content can always be seen in Content Libary pane.  There is no standard formating to other sites zip files and they often have one or more leading folders that are not needed.  In your zip utility drill down til you get to a "data" or "Runtime" folder (or both) and extract from that point to your library.

    Post edited by jestmart on
  • Joe2018 said:

    sliders49 said:

    Thanks appreiciate your help, but I can't find the files in my Smart or Content Library. 

    Damn! Stuff never seems to work for me. Why I hate tech. I found those files people runtime data , I moved them to the Daz libray in "documents" and when I go into Daz They not there. Hmmmm...

    Any other suggestions? 

    You moved all to "documents" - thats wrong. You have to move to the folders as described in the readme.txt! Then you find them in the correct category in your content library! 

    As long as they are in the correct relative position within the content directory it does not matter where the content library is, or what it is called.

  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 370
    edited February 2021

    Remember, you need to either refresh the menu tree (right click on item) or restart DAZ for the new content to appear.


    Post edited by TBorNot on
  • Don't forget that Riversoft Arts Content Wizard will install these files and generate metadata for the Smart Content.


  • sliders49sliders49 Posts: 89
    edited February 2021

    TBorNot said:

    Remember, you need to either refresh the menu tree (right click on item) or restart DAZ for the new content to appear.

    Menu Tree? Whats that ?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited February 2021

    sliders49 said:

    Menu Tree? Whats that ?

    Probably this: 

    Post edited by Zilvergrafix on
  • This is my screenshot when I clck on "Content" I no see all those folders that you show on yours. I',m a Mac user too. 

    Any other suggestions? 

    Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 5.29.07 AM.jpeg
    586 x 977 - 65K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Products and Categories are not real folders, they are database driven views to what has been installed and require the correct metadata for DIM of DAZ Central installation, which often is missing from non-Daz installation files.

    Within DS you can see the real folders (ones that you can find also with the File Explorer/Windows Explorer on your HD/SSD) when you expand "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats"

  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266


    Click on DAZ Studio Formats, then Choose the Library where you installed the files, the People etc.

    As example:

    DAZ Studio Formats -> My DAZ Library -> People -> Genesis 8 Female -> Characters -> "Character Name"

    I suggest to make one of the DAZ Basic Tutorials.

  • sliders49 said:

    This is my screenshot when I clck on "Content" I no see all those folders that you show on yours. I',m a Mac user too. 

    Any other suggestions? 

    Click here


  • Zilvergrafix said:

    sliders49 said:

    This is my screenshot when I clck on "Content" I no see all those folders that you show on yours. I',m a Mac user too. 

    Any other suggestions? 

    Click here


  •  Okey Dokey

     now what do I do? Here is a screenshot of what i ahve with the rendorocity items i'm trying to put in my Daz

    So what next? I'm frustrated but just not ready to throw in the towel just yet. 


    Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 11.12.17 AM.jpeg
    1561 x 443 - 145K
  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266

    1. Locate where the DAZ Library is - that in the Screenshot seems not to be the Library!

    2. Simply copy the folders to the Library!

    You can check where the DAZ Library is by: Start DAZ goto EDIT select Preferences Select Content, at the end of that you Find "Content Directory Manager" click on that. Open the DAZ Studio Formats by click on "+". That Shows you the directory.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    If you were using Windows, you could just extract the folders "Data, People and Runtime" from the zip to the actual root folder of your Content Library. That is a folder where you can see the same folders already created to hold the content you have installed previously, but you better check with someone using Mac if the same can be done with Mac too...

  • sliders49 said:

     Okey Dokey

     now what do I do? Here is a screenshot of what i ahve with the rendorocity items i'm trying to put in my Daz

    So what next? I'm frustrated but just not ready to throw in the towel just yet. 

    Big mistake mixing different stores in the same Library.angry

    In first place your other store does not have metadata and such content won't appear con your Smart Content, that is Daz's property feature,

    having your only "Other Store" isolated in another Content Folder and just adding on your Directory manager will save your many headaches in the future.

    believe me, I've suffered from this mistakes in the past. 

  • Zilvergrafix said:

    sliders49 said:

     Okey Dokey

     now what do I do? Here is a screenshot of what i ahve with the rendorocity items i'm trying to put in my Daz

    So what next? I'm frustrated but just not ready to throw in the towel just yet. 

    Big mistake mixing different stores in the same Library.angry

    In first place your other store does not have metadata and such content won't appear con your Smart Content, that is Daz's property feature,

    That doesn't really have any great bearing on whether the content should be in the same folder, though if one intends to add metadata (or at least categorise) it may be easier to do if the content is in a temporary holding content directory separate from the main ones - I have a Working content directory for that, but I amalgamate the files into the main content directory once done.

    having your only "Other Store" isolated in another Content Folder and just adding on your Directory manager will save your many headaches in the future.

    The only major headache i can see is having more folders to search through in the case of a bad reference, or for manual uninstallation - but again, using a special testing sandbox first can reduce the former issue and may help the suer to decide whether to keep the content or not, which largely addresses the lattter.

    believe me, I've suffered from this mistakes in the past. 

  • You're right Richard, but for me is impossible to categorize 15 years of Library Content and weights almost 2 Tb of products.

    for such task I would need to pay someone for this work but dunno if someone will take a wage of $850 USD just for categorize all my runtimes (actually 8 )

  • Zilvergrafix said:

    You're right Richard, but for me is impossible to categorize 15 years of Library Content and weights almost 2 Tb of products.

    for such task I would need to pay someone for this work but dunno if someone will take a wage of $850 USD just for categorize all my runtimes (actually 8 )

    Yes, mine was even worse as I'd messed up the database trying to do soem edits on the .dsx files, so had to lose everything. Then the drive failed and alothough I had a back up of most of it starting over seemed simpler.

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    If you want a simple & easy way of installing content from other stores & have smart content for them then give Content Wizard by RiverSoft Art a look

  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 266

    Content Wizard is a good Tool which I also use. But when you absolute not know what should happen, it could create more directories then necessary and a beginner would never find his content.

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