Deleting a Timeline frame does not delete the keys in that frame?

Is there a simple, reliable way to delete keys in an animation on all frames except frame zero? I mean, other than selecting ALL the keys manually on all but that one frame and deleting them. If you create an animation with, say 50 frames, and have keys on frames 0, 20, 30 and 40... then delete all frames but zero and save the scene again... you've deleted all those keys on 20, 30 and 40 right? Not from what I've seen - if you now add 49 frames (or whatever), you'll find those keys have mysteriously returned at frames 20, 30 and 40!

Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know this, but I'd love to find out if there's a quick way to delete them for good. In this instance, I went back in and selected all those keys again and deleted them manually but I found I had to use multiple methods to select them: marquis selection click and drag left to right, marquis click and drag right to left, and then also: individually clicking on quite a number of keys individually when the first two methods didn't work.


  • Away from my rendering rig at the moment so I can't try it to check if it works, but have you tried re-saving then closing and reloading the file after deleting the keyframes?

  • meganappstate said:

    Away from my rendering rig at the moment so I can't try it to check if it works, but have you tried re-saving then closing and reloading the file after deleting the keyframes?

    Yes I have. No difference.

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