Dim Dropped.. OK but why must it stop.

alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
edited February 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

the exciting message is "maxinum number of ...exceeded"
I guess the means your server is overloaded? 
I don't mind that. 
Why I do mind is when it's disconnected it doesn't stay up and let me keep installing stuff that's already downloading .. it sits there and spins. 
okay it's diesconnected .. i either wait 10 or 15 minutes for it to be ready to function again or kill it and start it again in off line mode which still takes a long time. 
Usually I start it again because when it's dropped there's no message about what it's doing. 
I have a lot of stuff and from the start up time involved in both offline and online that's the issue. 
But once it's read all the stuff on my disks .. it shouldn't have to reconstruct that all over again when the server is disconnected. 
If daz now has too many customers for it's download server it needs to fix that. 
If it broke something I Dim it should fix it.
What I can ask (waiting for the wrist slap email) is hey, we want everyone to use daz central, so why bother? 
This isssue only started a while back..  
IF you are fixing it SAY SO. 
If you're not or can't say that also.
as long as we're d*mning dear old DIM. 
when its offline I have 850 updates to install but when it's online only 350 but I do have 500 product updates to download. 
(I do download any update that has a package date newer than the install date of the one it want's to replace. 
But why do I get update offers that have older dates than my install dates.


Post edited by alan bard newcomer on


  • DIM and Daz Central are the same basic code, so this isn't a DIM issue (and DIM is not dropped). It does need to refrsh its file list - as witness the way that 500 items show as having new files to download when on line and as downloaded updates when offline, the chnage in connection chnages things like updates (and sometimes product names).

  • Let me be more coheart and complete...  I get the messge NO longer commected to server maxinum number of connections exceeded.
    This happens a couple times a day. 
    When it does happen it takes Dim even longer to come back to working  offline then if I just kill it and wait for it to start again. 
    Everytime it starts it goes through all my files.. etc. 
    NO... that list should be intact from yesterday. 
    When I start Dim all it needs to de ios go "any new orders?" If yes, then look them up.. If no use the existing list of data. 
    And why lose that entire liest any time it stops. 
    I go online because I bought something... or something annoucned it needed to be redownloaded. 
    As I said "I don't mind it not staying online" But whether or not I close it or I get dropped.. It's the recovery time that's the nuisnace. 
    If I buy something new and go online... the database should know I have everything up through a certain date. 
    I'm guessing that the extended time to opne is while it goes through and checks my 12k products. 
    But trust me... if I try to use one and it doesn't work I'll download the item 
    Yes, I over indulged a couple times and had to download 20/30 gigs... and while being dropped is frustrating, been dropped and then having to wait while the connection reintialises is even more frustyating. 
    As has been noted this was time wise during all the store changes when it started only the past couple months or so.   so myabe the new sales engine requires more bandwidth so the connections to download are more tenuous.
    I'm sure texh is buried under lots of riduculous rquests. 
    Since I have seen this referenced as a problem ... 
    Pin a post to the top that say "we know this is an issue... we re working to fix it." 
    Now if the problem is mine alone ..  that requires me to set up a second download computer ...or such. 
    If there really is an isssue with the servers timing out with max connections or such, I can't do anything about that but wait.
    heck Blame it on the company who handles the servers for daz ... 
    My goal is to ascertain whether it's happening to others or just me? 


  • alan bard newcomer said:

    Let me be more coheart and complete...  I get the messge NO longer commected to server maxinum number of connections exceeded.
    This happens a couple times a day. 
    When it does happen it takes Dim even longer to come back to working  offline then if I just kill it and wait for it to start again. 
    Everytime it starts it goes through all my files.. etc. 
    NO... that list should be intact from yesterday. 
    When I start Dim all it needs to de ios go "any new orders?" If yes, then look them up.. If no use the existing list of data. 
    And why lose that entire liest any time it stops. 

    DIM doesn't keep a single list of downl;oade/installed files, so yes it doesn have to go through everything - after all, it can work with packages that are added to the Package Archive by the user (for those without web access on their work machine, for example).

    I go online because I bought something... or something annoucned it needed to be redownloaded. 
    As I said "I don't mind it not staying online" But whether or not I close it or I get dropped.. It's the recovery time that's the nuisnace. 
    If I buy something new and go online... the database should know I have everything up through a certain date. 
    I'm guessing that the extended time to opne is while it goes through and checks my 12k products. 
    But trust me... if I try to use one and it doesn't work I'll download the item 
    Yes, I over indulged a couple times and had to download 20/30 gigs... and while being dropped is frustrating, been dropped and then having to wait while the connection reintialises is even more frustyating. 
    As has been noted this was time wise during all the store changes when it started only the past couple months or so.   so myabe the new sales engine requires more bandwidth so the connections to download are more tenuous.
    I'm sure texh is buried under lots of riduculous rquests. 
    Since I have seen this referenced as a problem ... 
    Pin a post to the top that say "we know this is an issue... we re working to fix it." 
    Now if the problem is mine alone ..  that requires me to set up a second download computer ...or such. 
    If there really is an isssue with the servers timing out with max connections or such, I can't do anything about that but wait.
    heck Blame it on the company who handles the servers for daz ... 
    My goal is to ascertain whether it's happening to others or just me? 


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