Applying full body morphs partially?

Is it still possible to apply full body morphs, such as Behemoth, partially? 'In the olden days', one could go into a body part and manually dial even a full body morph back down to 0%, but it'd appear that in D|S 4, that capability is no longer there?


  • With the weight-mapped figures the geoemtry and modifiers (such as morphs) belong to the figure, so no you can't selectively apply a morph. There are workarounds for non-HD morphs (Shape Splitter in the store, or export as OBJ and reload with a weight map from a dForm used to attenuate the effect - act as a mask, if you like) but they all involve creating a new morph.

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 168

    Huh. The kids these days and their newfangled tech ;-) But thanks for informing me :-)

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