From DAZ Install Manager to DAZ Central

Hi there,
I have the feeling that DAZ Central is the better solution when it comes to the management of DAZ products from the DAZ store and also thirdparty content and I have yet to make the shift.
I have tons of products installed through the manager and I am wondering if there is a smart way to make the shift from the Install Manager to Central?
Should I do this in a particular way or just plain deinstall the Manager and install Central?
Some tips would be very helpful, in case there are things that could waste a lot of time or create problems if not done correctrly.
Or maybe it's simpler than I think?
Central is a dumbed down version of DIM, don't change. Furthermore neither Central or DIM can install content from other sites.
Daz Central should pick up your DIM settings, though I would not think it likely to be abetter solution for an experienced user - the whole point is to simplify things for new users.
DIM can install content from other stoes (or freebies) if it is correctly set up, but of course most isn't.
I have noticed the rather difficult process with some 3rd party content.
I was hoping to see things somewhat evolved with Central but it seems that's not the case.
That's really good to know!
Thank you!
Thank you! I am actually glad that I can just keep using DIM. It seems to work pretty well for the most part.
Try RiverSoft Art's Content Wizard for zips from other sites
Thank you! Will check it out!
There is also Content Package Assist that can make DIM-compatible zips. No Smart Content, though. Generating it automatically from the contents requires some measure of magic to do more than a simple parts list.
Maybe one day I will need such a tool.