DAZ Studio Geometry Editor - Fill Selection?

is there a fill selection mode or easy way to achieve that, e.g. I have a cylinder and I select two loops of polys and then want to add all the polygons between them to the selection? thanks.


  • Not that I am aware of. You could select the middle loop and grow the selection (cmd/ctrl +).

  • SquishySquishy Posts: 460

    Thanks, I guess I'll post that as a suggestion.

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    There is a way to do it.  

    You select a ring of geometry then hide it and this hidden ring will prevent selection from spreading over the gap or use "select connected". later just unhide the geometry. 

    If hidden geometry got deselected you can just drow selection by one polygon.

    You can also save selection by creating a selection set. 

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