How to stop DAZ Central installing Studio updates?
Posts: 226
Title pretty much says it all. I don't want 4.15, it seems it's as buggy as a swamp in the summer.
Every time I open DAZ Central, it continues to downl 4.15, and until DAZ gets the problems under control, I don't want it to update.
Uninstall Central and install DIM.
If you really want to use DazCentral, go to Settings and untick "Update Assets Automatically".
I don't really care what I use, but why does everyone say to get rid of DAZ Central?
Because everytime you open DS it continues to download 4.15?
Hmm? DS does not download itself, or plug-ins
Every time I go into DAZ Central, it tries to continue downloading 4.15. I have to stop it each time. Probably because I have the "update assets automatically"checked for when products are updated, but I really don't want 4.15 until DAZ gets most of the bugs out of it.
Downloading updates to assets is not the same thing as downloading a new version of the base software: it shouldn't use the same paradigm for everything.
Hell, DAZ Central can't even download its own update. Been trying for 2 weeks, and fails each time. it tried as late as this morning.