Skin Seams (And Zbrush polypaint)

Hi! I am encountering several problems with creating a skin for 8.1. It seems that everytime I fix a seam, a new seam shows up! I am using a merchant resource as a very rough guide for details (I'm pretty sure I'm only using like... the nipples from the merchant resource) otherwise the skin is completely done in Zbrush using the Polypaint feature. The big problem is that there are way too many seams now around the head map and face. The Zbrush figure is painted using polypaint and there are absolutely no seams. However, when I create a texture map from the polypainting, Zbrush unwraps the figure in such a way that the maps are not big like the figure 8.1 maps. I've made sure that the textures all end in the same color at the very edge but there are still lots of seams appearing.

Is there a way for me to unwrap the Zbrush figure so that it fits nicely over the default maps? I have added a picture. The face and skin colored areas are from the unwrapped figure itself, a texture map created right from Zbrush. The red shows the area of the default 8.1 texture map which is bigger than what is unwrapping, causing seams. I have tried to change the unfilled areas to a skin color that matches all throughout the textures but seams are still appearing.

I upload the 8.1 dev male character to Zbrush and the different parts of the figure (arms, legs, torso, head) are all seperated into their own groups so that I can send over the correct sized textures. The displacement maps from Zbrush are also coming out small like the texture maps so I don't know what is happening.

Alternatively I am open to sharing the PSD files with someone who can figure out the seam issue. It's the face and head maps that are causing me the most grief. I do plan on sharing or selling this character.

Thank you!

4096 x 4096 - 3M
4096 x 4096 - 4M


  • veenveen Posts: 137

    You better use substance painter, than your able to paint directly over seams

  • veen said:

    You better use substance painter, than your able to paint directly over seams

    Hmmm Substance Painter did eliminate all of the seams. A shame that Zbrush couldn't paint over all of the seams.

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