g8 morph question

we know that appaarently copious amounts of g8 morphs slow down loading.
I was thinking about splitting the g8s into a separate directory and only loading it when I'm, using g8
The question is if I load a g8 character apply some morphs and the save that character as a scene subset are the morphs loaded -- attached -- part of the character
or will reloading the character require that all the g8 morphs have to be active again?
or do I just create an active g8 morph folder and just put a copy of any I use in there and use that folder if I'm not changing anything on created character?
The morphs are linked not embedded. If theya re from Daz stiore items in your order hsitory, and DS has gone online to get your order hsitory since they were purchased, DS will offer to install them if they are missing.
do you mean the program or the dim has gone on line?
but as long as the linked morphs are available Daz won't install any other morphs that aren't in an active runtime folder?
so basically if I have two daz librarys ... one with active stuff and another I can turn on or off when I want to get to the 1000 morphs that slow the loading should work.
I meant if DS had gone on line.
Nothing will be installed without your say-so.
I was thinking about having them installed but in two runtimes so I could have working one... ie ones that were in figures I'm using and another to turn on when I want to create new characters.
Theoretically I can open my set of characters and find the currently used morphs .. and move those to an active runtime so they're always there when I open the characters and just turn on another runtime when I want to create?
That would work, yes.
do the morphs for the other generations cause the same issue or are they structured differently or something so it's not worth changing them around?
g1 24 seconds
g2 67 seconds
g3 278 seconds
g8 174 seconds
guess who has the most morphs?
although I see a lot of errors in the log file..
Is there a listing somewhere that says... (for example) morphs go in daz data>genesis>etc etc... what the correct path should be? IE a file structure map?
Morphs go in the morphs subfolder of the figure's Data folder. DS reads all it finds there, and ignores any others.
2021-01-30 23:40:51.025 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5759): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/D.Master/Auto%20Face%20Enhancer%20Female/G8Female%20PowerPose%20Female/AFE%20Brow%20Zero%20PP.dsf#Brow%20Master%20Center?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/3D-GHDesign/BooNanza/GHD%20BuggaBoo%20Eyes%20Elfin.dsf
okay has dax merged I bunch of items into one string?
it looks like it's looking for something for "Genesis8Female" in data>Daz 3D>Genesis>Female/Morphs/D.Master/Auto Face Enhancer/Female/G8Female PowerPose Female/AFE Brow Zero.dsf Master Center?value in file/data Daz 3d/Genesis Female/Morphs/3DGHDesign/BooNanza/GHD BuggaBoo Eyes Elfin. dsf
Okay, I can find the Eyes Elfin where they should be in genesis 8 folder in the runtime I installed it in.
But where are all the genesis calls and I uninstalled the auto face enhancer because it was generating a lot of warning.
I did also uninstall all the gen 8 female morph packages I could find 5 or 6 of them .. it cut the load time from 3 min 43 sec to 3 min 26... and generated more warnings in the log.
actually another load droped to 2 min 24 ... but the only way to cut down the number of morphs would be to unintall most of my characters etc.
I can see three possible solutions... obviously at the single morph level items read fast.. it's the 300 hundred of them (which is probably consevative very).
one) currently the program reads a morph dsf and then creates icon slider and hooks the morph in?
so read the morph create image/slider and do the next one ... but doesn't activate the morph?
I would trade loading the figure in a minute and waiting a couple secs to activate a morph when I choose to use it?
Create a new libary between the Dim and the program that looks like the content library but when I click on a character like edward8 .. .then it loads the morph packages assigned to that character?
Depsite issues I think the program does a lot of incredible things... but I used to program (and did stuff for some major companies) we created code that worked .. got the job done when Sears (one of them) was screaming we need this last week.
So we produced working code fast. But I have no doubt that someone who specialized in "coding structure" rather that specific result we were coding .. could have cleamed up not what the code did but could clean up how it was being done?
I know daz probably doesn't have a 640k partition down inside ... but I did have a friend who programmed Windows.. (back in the XP era). (he was the 700th employee and retired with a hellavalot of money at age 35 or so.)
If you're old enough to remember the far side and the carton of the rocket scientists looking at ship on the launchpad that had zig xags going up and the there was a blueprint that had been mis-folded on the table?
That cartoon was in the head programmers office posted on a bulletine board with the sections label 8 bit, 16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit.
So one idea would be not another 3d programmer but someone who just comes behind the 3d programing and cleans up and tightens the code?
attached is my scene/render backup folder from ten years ... I know there are duplicates but there's also stuff from the less couple months that's not in it yet.
But the slow load issues --- and other things that have been requiring time to work around and figure out have hacked my creative time way down.
just spend an eveing trying to figure out how to load figures faster ..
yesterday ti was trying to figure why 415 doesn't like catalyzer... but it's not all the time... it'll do the snow leopard in 4kx2k and die doing another one in 1kx1k... it'll render a scene than CTD reloading that scene. had a sceice with a charater and wolverine. rendered it, saved it, closed, opened later... now it crashes on any attempt to render the animal but I can render the character and then render the wolverine and it CTDs then or crashes when I click in the scene list or move the curser too fast.. but nothing consistant --- personally I'd like something to fail consistently until I can figure what's wrong then just be random.
I have about 1500 renders in my facebook cover file alone...
But my pace is slowing.
Those are warnings - "hey, there's a reference here to a files that isn't present - is that OK?" - they are not errors.