Trouble using MARSA Elements script

PlatinumPPlatinumP Posts: 10

Hello! I just bought this product, and am having issues getting it to work. The included script is just throwing errors at me every time I try it (I've attempted to use it on a variety of props and environments, with no luck so far). It tells me to check the log file for more info. Log file reads as follows:

2021-01-26 18:37:56.865 Loading script: C:/Users/myname/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_80203/scripts/riversoft art/marsa elements/install custom marsa elements actions.dsa.enc
2021-01-26 18:37:56.878 DEBUG: install custom marsa elements actions.dsa
2021-01-26 18:37:56.878 DEBUG: Fa&vorites/MARSA Elements
2021-01-26 18:37:56.878 DEBUG: C:/Users/myname/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_80203/scripts/riversoft art/marsa elements/%1.dsa
2021-01-26 18:37:56.878 DEBUG: C:/Users/myname/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_80203/scripts/riversoft art/marsa elements/%1.png
2021-01-26 18:37:56.884 WARNING: Script Error: Line 98
2021-01-26 18:37:56.884 WARNING: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: InputQuery
2021-01-26 18:37:56.884 WARNING: Stack Trace:
    <anonymous>()@C:/Users/myname/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_80203/scripts/riversoft art/marsa elements/install custom marsa elements actions.dsa.enc:98
2021-01-26 18:37:56.885 Error in script execution: C:/Users/myname/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_80203/scripts/riversoft art/marsa elements/install custom marsa elements actions.dsa.enc

^ I am not computer savvy enough to know what this means, other than that the script seems to be failing to execute. I've tried uninstalling / reinstalling the product, manually installing it, etc, and so far no luck. The included shaders are working however, which means the script is the only thing giving me problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Edit: This issue has been fixed, thanks to RiversoftArt and barbult for helping me troubleshoot my way through it in another thread. The problem was that some of my RiversoftArt products had been installed through the Daz Studio Program, while others were installed using the DIM. This caused some of the script folders to get mixed up and interact in unintended ways. Solution I used was to uninstall everything I owned from RiversoftArt and reinstall all of the products using a consistent method (in my case I reinstalled them all using the DIM). That got it working!

Post edited by PlatinumP on


  • Can it be that, you have some other content from Riversoft Art on an other harddrive ? Well I suddenly had the same problem with "Ultimate Zero" from RiverSoft Art, after i installed MARSA ELEMENTS on an other harddrive. So it seems, that they use some files together. Just i uninstalled both and update my content now. After this i will try to install them again with DIM and hope that so the problem will by solved. Maybe you could try the same thing and hopefully it will help.   

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