Install problems with Classic Long Curly Hair for G8F by Linday

I like to manually install my DAZ Studio content. I unzip a product and copy the folders in the Content folder to an external location then use Add Base Directory to install the files into DAZ Studio. Unzipping Linday's Classic Long Curly Hair for G8F resulted in dozens of successive error messages telling me "Error: The system cannot find the path specified." I clicked through them, one after another until Winzip installed what it could. I'd be pleased to learn what's going on. Of course, I haven't tried to use the hair; It seems that many of the files needed have not been found or installed. Has anyone any ideas about what the problem is and any advice on how to solve it? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.
Is the product split across mutiple zips?
Thanks for yours, Richard Haseltine. The product comes in two files: IM00057743-01 and IM00057743-02. Would that make a difference?
It might - did you place both parts in the saem content directory? Are the files it is looking for on disc somewhere, or do they seem to be absent in both zips?
Both zips are in the same folder. I believe that Winzip is reporting that it cannot locate a path within the zipped file. With each warning popup, I click to continue unzipping and eventually Winzip produces what I presume is an incomplete output and a log file that ennumerates the two-dozen-odd file specifications that produced the missing path warning. If you'd be good enough give me 24 hours, I'll see what DAZ Studio makes of the incomplete (?) output that was produced.
And thanks for your assistance. It is appreciated.
Sorry, I thought these were post install errors in DS. It may be that WinZip is having trouble with soem 0 byte files used as placeholders, e.g. an empty .duf to go with a tip PNG file so it shows in the library
do this test
create another library,, "test" (or any name you like)
unzip (manualy) the product in the "test" library
open your DAZ and attrib the "test" library in list
close your DAZ
in the zip files of your product you can found ".dsx" file in the >/runtime/support/ forder
double click on it, (that run the daz and add the product in the "smart content"
now check if all work,,
- if this succesfull, do the same in your main library and remove the test libray,
or you can keep to use the test libray
in case of repeated error when uncompresing zip/rar files
some zip /rar require zip or winrar to up to date
be sure you use a fresh version of them
or try 7zip
Thanks again, Richard Haseltine and cm152335. Get this! I copied both zip files to a newly created folder on another partition, opened a Windows folder, and unzipped both files without incident. Perhaps there's something going on in the original folder and/or partition that produces the errors. Not being computer-savvy, I can't imagine what it might be; but the problem seems to be solved. I'll copy the zipped and unzipped files to their proper locations and see if there's a test I can run on the partition. Weird and troubling, but not fatal. Thanks to both of you again.
Success! I was able to copy the files from one Windows folder to the other. At least I know what to do if this happens again.