'Buffy'-Style Vampire Face Morph

This product?
The best thing about it is the morph for Genesis, which allows male and female characters, alike, to have the same style of vampiric features as shown in 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel'.
I used it a while back to render this picture:
The secret is to modify the tip of the nose after you've applied it, because it seems to 'droop' the entire structure down, otherwise.
However, there doesn't seem to be any equivalent for Genesis 2 and, as Hallowe'en is coming up, it might be timely if someone could make such a product! I'd imagine an HD option would make it even more desirable, but even a standard morph would look excellent with the various new updated vampire teeth products.
Would particularly like it for female characters (and it's surprising the creature creator sets didn't include this feature), but if it a 'unisex' version can be made for both Genesis 2 genders, that would be even better. It should be relatively simple to create, as it basically shifts creases the middle of the forehead into a sort of serpentine, demonic 'crest' and gives added prominence to the upper eye sockets, too.
Some reference images from the show are here, if anyone is interested in having a go: