Re-installing V4.2 - morphs?

Hi, following a recent PC crash I needed to re-install V4. No problem re-installing V4.2 Base using DIM, but no sign of V4 Head Morphs, Body Morphs or Morphs++ (neither in DIM nor in the Product Library of my online account) - just something called Victoria 4.2 Shapes++. DIM doesn't install V4.2 Shapes so I'm confused as to how I can re-install the morphs that I need. Help appreciated.
It looks like Morphs++ was renamed Shapes++. What problem are you having installing them with DIM?
I gave it a try and had the same problem the OP had. Download works and they are on my computer right where DIM wants them but they don't appear in the Ready To Install pane. The zips are not corrupted as 7Zip can open them.
Strange, I uninstalled them, downloaded a fresh copy, and they show up in Ready to Install and install successfully. Can you post a screenshot of DIM > Settings > Basic Settings?
Oopsy, I had them set to hidden and the Show Hidden box wasn't checked in the Ready To Install.
Many thanks to all. My problem had been that although DIM appeared to install V4.2 Shapes, it didn't then appear in my Product Library. Uninstalled and re-installed with DIM, and all worked OK 2nd time.