Gen8 Starter Essentials no longer appearing in PL

Following recent Gen8.1 anouncement, I today installed latest Gen8 Male & Female Starter Essentials (using DIM). Both seemed to install OK but are no longer appearing in my Prod Library. Should add that I also installed Default Resources for Daz 4.15+, and latest Daz 4.15 as invited by DIM. Have tried uninstalling all of these and re-installing in a different order, but hasn't resolved. What am I missing?
What do you mean by Product Library - presumably not the page of that name in your account here. Is this the Products tab of Smart Content, the Products list in the Content Library pane, or both? If it's Smart Content, which filtering options are you using?
If you are talking about the smart content, Then try looking for "Genesis 8 Male PowerPose Templates". For some reason its incorrectly labeled for both Male & Female figures
Dear both, I was specifically referring to the absence of Genesis 8 Starter Essentials within Daz itself, accessed by Content Library-Products-"G". I do, however, now have Genesis 8.1 Male and Female Basic Figures within My Daz 3D Library, so maybe that's how it should be.
just when thought the same thing..
at some point I had the developer kit or something.
so I can find the face stuff
unde my Daz>people>genesis 8 female>developer> there they are.
apparently the product library doesn't have a tab for developer stuff.
picture one someone elses product library showing face
but in my product lib it didn't show under anatomy but in my daz library as listed above second picture shows it in developer