3D Painting or alternatives?

I've been trying to add some details to G8F skin and am having a hard time of it. I know that there are programs such as Surface Painter and 3D-Coat which allow you to paint directly on the model but I can't justify spending that money for the few times I will need to do so. Therefore I'm hoping that there is a free alternative. Is it possible using Blender and, if so, is there a tutorial somewhere?
Otherwise, is there a way of painting on the UV map and being able to see exactly where that is happening on the 3D figure? I don't have Photoshop but I do have Gimp and Affinity Photo though neither has a 3D extension like, I believe, Photoshop has.
Blender can do "projection painting".
Not sure if that is what you are looking for.
I'm not sure either. There seem to be a few tutorials on Texture Painting so I'll have a look and see if I can figure out how to apply that workflow to a G8F figure.
Blender can paint directly on the model.
I have been trying to do it in Blender but have hit a big snag. I started a discussion in the Blender Discussion Forum here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/468006/blender-texture-paint-problems