Broken DAZ... can I hire someone to fix it?

Please Help... Broken DAZ and need to hire someone to help.

I have lost three weeks of my life because of my nightmare experience of trying to move my content to a different drive. Following tutorials, forum posts and a small amount of common sense, I have messed it all up. I can't even seem to start from scratch. I have over 1500 assets that I'm assuming I will have to completely re install, with a slow internet, that wiill take a long time... so no purchasing from DAZ until this is all fixed.

I just want a fresh version of DAZ on my C drive and all the content going to a removable drive. DIM says I have half of my assets installed, but when in DAZ it will just sit there for hours saying 'obtaining data from DAZ', and nothing.. nothing in my smart content. I thought I successfully moved everything I had installed with DIM, and was prepared to have to reinstall all the Daz Connect stuff. but life is just too short. this is a hobby, that I have spent good money on,. and I'm not able to use it, and getting frustrated. Can't someone access my PC with PC Anywhere or some like program and just fix all this? 

Please let me know if someone here hires themselves out for this kind of thing. 

thanks, Kev


  • edited January 2021

    I can take a look with TeamViewer.

    If you have Skype we can communicate through there.

    Post edited by marksinister_0f3a44cacc on
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