Need advice on saving a wearables preset

I've been trying to make a custom underwear set (all modelled from scratch in Blender, so it's all stuff I've had to import and then set up in DS).
And I now need to save this bra...
... as a preset that brings along all of its follow nodes and associated children with it.
However, saving it as a wearables preset takes TEN MINUTES to load, even after trying to save out every individual geometry separately and then reassemble it all.
A scene subset is better, but still painfully slow and doesn't automatically fit to the character.
What is the correct procedure for saving this so that it doesn't take a painful age to load?
Post edited by Chohole on
Before saving clothing as wearable preset(s), save the individual clothing pieces ;-)
I did do that but, as I noted, the load remains interminably slow even after trying to save out every individual geometry separately first.
I don't do modelling but it occurred to me while browsing this that the slow load might be due to a heavy polygon count? Have you checked the bra in wire mesh view?
Sorry if that's a stupid or too obvious suggestion - as I said, I'm not knowledgable about these things.
The base poly count is about 2k if I remember right, deliberately relatively low for efficient dforce simulation (straps laying right and the like). Loading the mesh from OBJ is near instant.
I'm certain this is related to the followers, as the base components all load quickly on their own.
One thing does come to mind... When saving, check if all the morphs for the figure are saved to the clothing as well.
Found this when figuring why the pose presets I had created were taking significantly longer to load than the store bought ones.