Depth Maps resolution or should I say WOT! no Anti aliasing for depth maps? :)

PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919
edited February 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion


Just starting out with depth maps and they work great but they seem to be lower resolution than the scene being renderd with jaggies, is there a way to make depth maps more fine as sometimes the depth map is actually a good staring point for an image in itsself.




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  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919

    OK well all I could do was render the depth map at the maxmimum resolution daz will let me do it at and then shrink it down to the size of the original render seems to work fine.

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    Not exactly sure what you are complaining about, but as I see depth maps are essentially Hd morphs. 

    So if you want them to work you have to increase the subdivision level which is a slider available next to the depth map. at the normal subdivision level, they will look jagged


  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919
    edited February 2021

    Well I was not complaining as such.

    After more tests and comparisions what the problem seems to be is the depth map is not anti aliased and so is quite blocky on its edges and I do not see any options to fix it other than rendering out at max size and shrinking the output down in post to match the main render pass.

    And the depth map makes a mangle of hair. The only work around I have so far that works is to erase parts of the depth pass over hair edges and use some subtle blurring 

    Depth maps are extremely usefull so it would be a nice usefull feature to have.



    497 x 404 - 96K
    Post edited by Pitmatic on
  • Depth maps show fireflies and incomplete pixels starkly compared to your beauty pass. It usually means that you need to render longer by changing the max samples.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919

    I think you might not be understanding what the depth map is

    Setting everything to MAX and even resolution to 10000 pixels results in a render that takes just a few seconds there is no way to render the depth map for longer the beauty pass my take all week but not the depth map and its not anti aliased and i havent seen a firefly on one yet. the hair mess i assume is the lack of anti aliasing over those bits???




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