daz 4.15 - Where do I find figure edit, geometry and add push modifier?


I Haven't used Daz since 4.12 do to long load times, and just updated to 4.15, hoping it would be better. 

Load times have not improved AND a lot of the functions I jused to use is gone. I sometimes used the Push modifier option, when clothes was tricky to fit, or needed to look a like it had a bit more volume. I also used to make figures in to props, which for multi figure scenes, helped a lot with the load times. 

But, the whole edit/figure/geometry and rigging is gone in 4.15... Anyone who knows were those functions have been moved to?

Also, used Edit/figure/zero pose a lot, but that I have found... 


EDIT: Found it! Not logical, but both features have been moved to the little options menu just over the viewport fane... Irritating, but found it.


My personal oppinion on 4.15 is that is way to complicated than 4.12 and feels like it needs more opdates before it works properly.


Another question: Anyway to revert to 4.12 again?


For reference: I have a I9-9900 processor, RTX2070Oc, 32 GB ram and N.2 SSD harddrive... 



Post edited by martin_iversen_18e5163fc4 on


  • Try Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus to get the missing functions back.

    Load times for figures are dependent on the number of morphs and other properties that need to be loaded and connected - turning them into props removes most of those and so greatly reduces the load time.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Try Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus to get the missing functions back.

    Load times for figures are dependent on the number of morphs and other properties that need to be loaded and connected - turning them into props removes most of those and so greatly reduces the load time.

    Thank you very much!
    It helped a lot! 

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