Issue with joints bending

Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong place. 

Does anyone have any advice for correcting this issue with the knee joint on G8M? I have my characters knee bent to quite an extreme angle, and there's this weird gap between his calf and thigh. (I've attached a snippet so hopefully you can see what I mean)

Obviously on a real person, the muscle will 'squish' and there wouldn't be a gap there, but as it stands it's making his shin look really skinny and weird. Any advice on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!

Knee issue.png
320 x 279 - 153K


  • Do you have morphs applied to the figure? That looks as if the joint centres are misaligned, which may be due to having a morph aplied that needs a rigging adjsutment or may be down to having a rigging adjustment kicking in when the morph it should be linked to isn't applied.

  • OriginalSamhainOriginalSamhain Posts: 38
    edited January 2021

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Do you have morphs applied to the figure? That looks as if the joint centres are misaligned, which may be due to having a morph aplied that needs a rigging adjsutment or may be down to having a rigging adjustment kicking in when the morph it should be linked to isn't applied.

    Ah ok, that could be it then. He's a very heavily customised model and there's at least one morph applied so you're probably right. I'll have a look at adjusting morphs and see if that helps. Thank you!  

    ETA: So I have the Auto Shape Enhancer set to 100% for the full body, I reduced the knee slider to 75% and it looks perfect now. Can't believe it was that easy! 

    Post edited by OriginalSamhain on
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