Materials Problem with Dark Fantasy Add-Ons for Genesis 3 Female(s)

AbrahamRockwellAbrahamRockwell Posts: 116

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask this.

I could have sworn there was a 'Product Questions' thread, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

Anyway, I have a question about the product "Dark Fantasy Add-Ons for Genesis 3 Females":

I'm having a problem when applying materials to the Tail.  For some reason, when I try to apply the material, I get an error.

I checked with the wings, 'snake tail', and horns, but they work just fine.

Anyone else have this problem, or a way to get around it (I wonder if its conflicting with some other item I have in my library?)

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,442

    The Succubus tail uses a Hierarchical Material stucture, and the tail must be fit to and parented to Genesis 3 to be able to apply the material preset. Make sure Genesis 3 is selected when loading the tail, and it will load in the right way, then apply the materials.

  • Ah, thanks (I was trying to apply a texture without having it attached first)

  • Moved to Technical Help as it is a question about an existing product, not a Product Suggestion.

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