Timeline NLA?

I'm not sure that I understand the terminology here but I think that Non-Linear Animation is what I'm trying to achieve.
I have a short animation where I want to move different parts of the body or positional moves at different stages of the timeline - some overlapping. The trouble is that the interpolation seems to be screwing up the animation because each change affects all the others. I have searched the forum and seen suggestions to create aniblocks (I do have the paid version so I can do that). However, when I tried one, the figures ended up completely out of position so it was impossible to incorporate into the original scene.
I'm guessing that I will have to bite the bullet and export to Blender if I want to take this further but that means learning IK and rigging Blender animation and - oh dear, I see a 6 month learning curve at least.
I can only guess. But the basics are covered in this and you may know them already.
I don't think you need to struggle with blender.
And another
Thanks for the suggestions, Kevin. I seem to be creating aniblocks the way I'm supposed to but they don't go into enough depth about the process. I remember that during my search of the forum it was mentioned that aniblocks have to start from zero pose (T or A pose) but I can't find where that was mentioned now. If that is true I think I am trying to do the impossible because I want a movement aniblock inserted mid-stream, as it were.
[EDIT] - I think this was the mention of the T pose requirement ... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/497586/#Comment_497586
That last post from the late Jaderail may be important.
Exactly ... however, I'm still trying to get my head around how to apply that to my animated scene. I'm going to practise making some aniblocks and inserting them so that, at least, I get some understanding of what I need to do and why.
I'm not sure if i know exactly what you mean by over lay animation?
You can't over lay animation on the daz studio native timeline it does not allow for shadow or double timeline for the same keyframes, its not like Maya's timeline . as you mentioned though, you can use aniblocks and you can layer them . But to overlap aniblocks you have to unlock the full version of animate2 which you stated you have . so all you have to do is add subtracts to your original animation track. I do this a lot for corrections of poorly made aniblocks or to fix motions that can't be corrected with the daz keyframe editor
here's a screen shot of overlaying aniblocks .
I am currently working rending a animation with kind of set up. this screen capture is from a double monitor set up.
As I said, I'm not sure that I know how to explain the problem correctly but it does seem to me that saving various movements to aniblocks and then adding them in to the timeline would be the solution. I have not had chance to try again yet but I need to overcome that issue of the figure's position being messed around when I try to create an aniblock. I do have the full version of Animate2 but zero experience of using it. For some reason I thought the aniblock part of that software was only of any use with Genesis 2 so I have never attempted to use it for G8. I don't have any commercial aniblocks for G8 either (I think the only ones I have are for the original Genesis).
I'll get some time later in the week to have another play with the timeline.
Here are some for G8 but you can roll your own.
How to use aniMate 2 from the WayBackMachine
Thanks again Kevin. I thought I had a copy of that archived tutorial but couldn't find it. It will be useful to go through it again though.
JUst FYI,there are body part filtering functions in Animate 2 that wont
function for G3 & above.
For example in the subtracks that @Ivy mentioned,
You can layer on a second aniblock but selectively exclude
body parts from being affected by the second aniblock.
these options will be greyed out with G3& above because the Animate 2 system is based on the legacy Rigging of Millenium 3-Genesis 2
and an update for G3/8 would have to come from its original creators "Gofigure"
Maybe that's where I got the idea that aniblocks would not work for Genesis 3 & 8. Maybe DAZ will incorporate and update the aniblock system like they did with Graphmate and Keymate (although I still prefer to use Keymate & Graphmate).