Unable to find V4 clothing textures in Content Library

I am normally a user of Gensis 3 and Genesis 8 only. I saw MMKnit CDSet V4 and the accompanying texture set MMKnit CDSet V4 Revival Textures in the Daz Web Site, and was tempted, so I purchased them, even though I have had very little success doing anything at all with Victoria 4 despite trying many times. My experience with these two products have been no better.
I can find the basic clothing items deep down in the Poser Formats section under ...\Figures\mamomamo, and can load the clothing onto Victoria 4. However I have spent about an hour looking for the additional textures. They definitely physically exist in the expected folder ...\Daz3D Content\Runtime\Textures\BUG\BUGRevKnitCD. There are 86 jpg files in that folder. But I cannot find them in the Content Library structure inside Daz Studio.
What am I missing?
These are "Poser" figures, they'll be under the "Poser format" section in the content library, if they are mapped/installed properly.
Mat files there are somewhere under Poses.
by the way: it's Renderosity, not Daz ... I had fun looking for it ...
According to the Readme (you can find that on the page for the Revival for Knit-C) the mat poses are under
and yes, you have to add the Runtime under Poser formats.