Skin shade border

Hi team, can anyone explain why I'm getting this when I render please? I thought it was something to do with geoshells but I have deleted all of them from my scene

Skin border.jpg
451 x 457 - 162K
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Hi team, can anyone explain why I'm getting this when I render please? I thought it was something to do with geoshells but I have deleted all of them from my scene
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There's probably a mis-match between some settings between the legs and the torso surfaces - one that's very easily missed is the gamma setting on one of the images. First, open the Surfaces pane and in the Editor tab under the surface groups select both the torso and the legs/limbs, then scroll through looking for numbers thata re replaced with <?> (which indicates that the two surfaces differ) and colour bars that don't show a colour (ditto). If there are any mismatches make the legs match the torso (I assume the rest of the figure is uniform). If there isn't anything there then it gets bit more tiresome as you have to go through each mapped property, clicking the micro thumbnail to open the image menu>Image Editor, and check the gamma until you find a mist-match between the two surface groups (and when you do, make the one on the legs match the one on the torso).
Thanks Richard, I have been doing just that since posting and found that the Translucency setting on skin was 0.40 for legs and 0.50 for torso. Matched them both up and bingo, problem solved!
If it's a Daz product please report it to Technical Support (well, after making sure there isn't an update you've missed).
Ok, will check. I've just changed the scene view and it's cropped up again so I'm going to have to track through surfaces again to see if there is another mismatch
Sorry Richard, how do I check if there is an update for any of my products?
How did you install? Central/Install Manager should show updates (for downloaded and for downlaoded and installed content) when you log in, Daz Connect will show updates with a U arrow symbol at top-right of the product thumbnail, if you downloaded and installed manuallyyou will just have to redownload and compare the two,.
Hmm...I always use DIM. I've just opened it and it says I have 301 items ready to download but I have them already. Does that mean they are all updates? I don't see any U symbols anywhere
Afterthought: I recently updated my OS on Mac and reinstalled my files from backup, maybe that's why DAZ thinks I do not have them?
Install manager uses the .dsx files in the Manifests folder to tell it what is isntalled, and where. Did you restore that from the old system? If not it won't know what is installed or not. Similarly the Downloads folder is the default Pacakage Archive for zips.
The list of files, if you do have Manifests and Downloads correctly hooked up and haven't checked for a while, may be a bunch of old Legacy installers which suddenly appeared, but they've been there for some months now (before the store change-over).
Thanks Richard. Will it do any harm to download them and reinstall over the originals I copied back into Daz or will there be some conflicts?
I'm not sure if the legacy versions, if that's what you have, are entirely separate (mostly, as they use different formats). Otherwise, no there shouldn't be any major issue.
I think I understand Richard, I shall dwell on it