Bake in pre / post joint rotation in FBX file?

I work with Daz characters for use in VR using Unity. When exporting these characters out from Daz as FBX, I noticed that importing them into Modo or Unity that the joint alignment matches the global XYZ and doesn't actually match up with the bone orientation.
Inside of Modo, it does look like their is additional rotation information inside the Channels view as pre / post rotations. When activating the rotation tool, the gizmo seems to recognize the original orientation and matches the alignment that would be more natural to bend (see elbow joint image — center rotation of joint is aligned to global XYZ, but the rotation gizmo rolls forearm around X and bends elbow along Y).
Therefore I am wondering if there is anyway to bake in this data such that the alignment of the joint center matches that of the gizmo when exporting out from Daz?
This would be incredibly useful since Unity cannot read the pre / post rotation data whatsoever, and trying to set up bend limits, joint control morphs, etc., is nearly impossible when trying to bend these globally aligned joints.