Questions about selling products for Daz Studio

Renderpower3dRenderpower3d Posts: 0
edited January 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

 1. Is it ok to build scenes using items i bought on CGtrader? The way I interpret the license I can. 

2. If I wanted to use a texture, object or partial scene from an existing product in an item I sell, could I do so by buying the interactive license or would I need individual permission on top of that?



Post edited by Renderpower3d on


  • You would need to ask the store about this, but generally I would expect not - there's a difference between allowing the ocntent to be used in (e.g.) a specific film or promtional image and allowing it to be sold as a resource for others to use, with its own license terms.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Regarding items sold here, unless they are specifically sold as merchant resources then you can't use them as a base to your own product and distribute it.

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    edited January 2021

    "Or should I still reach out to the artist to get permission? I guess my three questions in summary are; 1. Is it ok to build scenes using items i bought on CG trader?"

    • For anything related to turbosquid you'd need to check with them.


    For DAZ content:


    "How does this apply to products I buy on the Daz market place? What if I buy a shader or lighting package and use it as a template for my own creation? Am I then allowed to resell it as part of my package?" | "Am I allowed to modify trivial items like shaders, cameras, lighting, and render settings in my own products if they came from someone else's product?"

    • Unless the lighting, cameras, and/or shading pack is marked as a merchant resource, you cannot use them to create content you will sell. Even those marked as a merchant resource have guidelines and rules you'll need to follow when applying them to creations that you'll sell.

    "If I DID want to say, use the empty room included with a store scene someone sold and make it into a different store, would I be allowed to do this if I bought the interactive license?" | "If I wanted to use a texture, object, or partial scene from an existing product in an item I sell, could I do so by buying the interactive license or would I need individual permission on top of that?"

    • The interactive license does not give you the right to re-distribute the asset to sell. The interactive license is for when you will be embedding the asset in a game since the end-user will be able to manipulate that object through your game, as far as I understand it.
    • Now, having said that, you can always contact an artist and ask if they'll allow you to do an add-on product. That means you'll only be selling materials for their base product. So when submitting, you cannot include the base product, only the materials, and then add the base product name as a requirement. Meaning that for the end-user to use your product, they'll need to own the base product. However, keep in mind that although there have been some exceptions (like when you sell to the PC+), DAZ only allows add-on products so long as they launched alongside the base/required product. So you would need to coordinate with the artist of the base product.
    Post edited by FenixPhoenix on
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