Questions about selling products for Daz Studio

1. Is it ok to build scenes using items i bought on CGtrader? The way I interpret the license I can.
2. If I wanted to use a texture, object or partial scene from an existing product in an item I sell, could I do so by buying the interactive license or would I need individual permission on top of that?
Post edited by Renderpower3d on
You would need to ask the store about this, but generally I would expect not - there's a difference between allowing the ocntent to be used in (e.g.) a specific film or promtional image and allowing it to be sold as a resource for others to use, with its own license terms.
Regarding items sold here, unless they are specifically sold as merchant resources then you can't use them as a base to your own product and distribute it.
"Or should I still reach out to the artist to get permission? I guess my three questions in summary are; 1. Is it ok to build scenes using items i bought on CG trader?"
For DAZ content:
"How does this apply to products I buy on the Daz market place? What if I buy a shader or lighting package and use it as a template for my own creation? Am I then allowed to resell it as part of my package?" | "Am I allowed to modify trivial items like shaders, cameras, lighting, and render settings in my own products if they came from someone else's product?"
"If I DID want to say, use the empty room included with a store scene someone sold and make it into a different store, would I be allowed to do this if I bought the interactive license?" | "If I wanted to use a texture, object, or partial scene from an existing product in an item I sell, could I do so by buying the interactive license or would I need individual permission on top of that?"