Wheel movement 'blur'

I love all the bikes and cars, but I'm not in love with the static wheels. Would love an easier way to portray motion blur on wheels. I've seen petipet do this for the rotary blades of some of the futuristic models and it looks cool. Would it be possible to do a movement morph for some of the more popular vehicles. Such as yamaki or a tutorial on making it happen?
I realize DAZ can do it's own motion blur... And I've been somewhat successful in photoshop rotating the wheels and giving them blur, but this is somewhat more challenging on vehicles which have only small amounts of wheel showing...
Post edited by Serene Night on
What's the issue with the Daz Studio method? So far as I know, it should work for everything!
Ease of use?
I've seen products like this:
But not sure if it would work with existing version of DAZ
Well, it's just a matter of creating two frames of animation and telling DS to render the motion blur stuff. At least, the version I'm aware of is. About as easy as applying a shader is. :)
What I'm looking for is more of a wheel movement effect. The motion blur seems good for showing wheels as blurry, but not as items rotating. When I motionblur the wheels form frame to frame using DAZ's method, it just doesn't have the same 'spin' look- or if it is possible, it isn't a simple one to achieve.
What I'm hoping for is more of a spin-motion product, such as you might see that Petipet addz to his/her models. This looks good.
I like the idea of Motion Master, because there are many types of vehicles, not just wheeled ones whicih might make this a useful product.
Motion Master was a cool tool but even in DS3 it had an issue with IK so I couldn't use it on many figures. For wheels yeah it IMHO a good job
Wow! Love that! Nice work
Would like to have a tool like that, yeah. Something where there's just a slight blur on an already solid model.
Wow! Love that! Nice workThanks SereneNight
Szark, I looked at your render again, and just noticed the rattler. Very clever.
yes, I really do hope for a good tool that makes it easier to produce this effect. I think this must be a struggle issue for lots of people..
I also agree a slight blur on the edge of the model is a great idea. Sometimes the suggestion of movement is all you need. ;-)