Rotations not showing in realtime on heavily morphed Genesis Figure

I heavily morphed a genesis figure into a Dragon with Zbrush. I used Adjust Rigging to Shape to get the bones to line up the new morph shape. The bones are working well. However when I select a bone to do a rotation the geometery does not show the rotation in realtime until I release the mouse button, making posing a tedious process.

I've never seen this issue before so I've attached pictures. Does Adjust Rigging to Shape create a dual rig that can be causing this issue?


daz realtime rotation issue.jpg
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double skeleton.png
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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    monsterbox said:

    I heavily morphed a genesis figure into a Dragon with Zbrush. I used Adjust Rigging to Shape to get the bones to line up the new morph shape. The bones are working well. However when I select a bone to do a rotation the geometery does not show the rotation in realtime until I release the mouse button, making posing a tedious process.

    I've never seen this issue before so I've attached pictures. Does Adjust Rigging to Shape create a dual rig that can be causing this issue?

     This does not look like a rigging adjusted to a morph shape. By the rigging it looks more like an additional item "fit to" the figure. It's not going to work like this.

  • Thanks for the response. I should have hid the attached elements, horns,wings, tail, to avoid confusion. Actually it is 100% morph shape, no "fit to rigging transfer".  The weird double rig happens when I do "Adjust Rigging to Shape". However the bones line up and work great (with a little tweaking) after that step. I did a little more investigating. I start getting the strange lack of realtime movement if I edit weight maps. Is there something I need to do bake or commit a weight map adjustment?

    Screen Shot 01-12-21 at 06.37 PM 001.PNG
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  • catherine3678catherine3678 Posts: 7
    edited January 2021

    monsterbox said:

    Thanks for the response. I should have hid the attached elements, horns,wings, tail, to avoid confusion. Actually it is 100% morph shape, no "fit to rigging transfer".  The weird double rig happens when I do "Adjust Rigging to Shape". However the bones line up and work great (with a little tweaking) after that step. I did a little more investigating. I start getting the strange lack of realtime movement if I edit weight maps. Is there something I need to do bake or commit a weight map adjustment?

    {still me, forum glitch issues}

    Okay. I have yet to have that happen and I've adjusted the rigging to shape very many times.

    This being an established figure I would not recommend messing with the weight maps. There are a kazillion other morphs that come into play when various bones are moved and there is no way making certain changes isn't going to totally mess up the figure.

    You may want to reinstall G8. [if any changes need to be undone with regards to the weight maps] Delete the eyelashes. Base Resoluton. Then dial in your new morph "only" ... however you make morphs, export out the .obj file [or send it over the bridge to Hexagon], dial G8 back to default shape, bring in the obj file and make the morph. Dial in the morph 100% and "adjust rigging to shape" - have those dials in edit mode [right-click on dial and select edit mode] - morph is still dialed in 100%, select ERC. I normally leave everything selected, esp. those 3 boxes near the bottom. Accept. Save.

    Now we cannot have 2 morphs with the same name, and since this one needs some tlc, I would then close D/S, dig through the data folders and delete the "old" morph. Then there should be no issues with duplicate error messages etc.

    Now: When you apply certain poses and the new morph does not looked well, what is required is another morph! So one would make a bunch of morphs for extreme figures to handle the expected poses. Save all those new morphs [be sure to select reverse shape so the morphs don't double up]. Then one can make control morphs so that when a certain pose is used, the required morph is also dialed in. After making any changes to the morphs, they need to be saved again {to the exact same folders so the new will overwrite the old}.

    As I recall making pose correction morphs were a little tricky so I'm not winging a how to on that. I would need to work through one to be sure of the steps.

    btw - nice morph :-)

    Post edited by catherine3678 on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408
    edited January 2021

    catherine3678 said:

    monsterbox said:

    Thanks for the response. I should have hid the attached elements, horns,wings, tail, to avoid confusion. Actually it is 100% morph shape, no "fit to rigging transfer".  The weird double rig happens when I do "Adjust Rigging to Shape". However the bones line up and work great (with a little tweaking) after that step. I did a little more investigating. I start getting the strange lack of realtime movement if I edit weight maps. Is there something I need to do bake or commit a weight map adjustment?

    {still me, forum glitch issues}

    Okay. I have yet to have that happen and I've adjusted the rigging to shape very many times.

    This being an established figure I would not recommend messing with the weight maps. There are a kazillion other morphs that come into play when various bones are moved and there is no way making certain changes isn't going to totally mess up the figure.

    You may want to reinstall G8. [if any changes need to be undone with regards to the weight maps] Delete the eyelashes. Base Resoluton. Then dial in your new morph "only" ... however you make morphs, export out the .obj file [or send it over the bridge to Hexagon], dial G8 back to default shape, bring in the obj file and make the morph. Dial in the morph 100% and "adjust rigging to shape" - have those dials in edit mode [right-click on dial and select edit mode] - morph is still dialed in 100%, select ERC. I normally leave everything selected, esp. those 3 boxes near the bottom. Accept. Save.

    Now we cannot have 2 morphs with the same name, and since this one needs some tlc, I would then close D/S, dig through the data folders and delete the "old" morph. Then there should be no issues with duplicate error messages etc.

    Now: When you apply certain poses and the new morph does not looked well, what is required is another morph! So one would make a bunch of morphs for extreme figures to handle the expected poses. Save all those new morphs [be sure to select reverse shape so the morphs don't double up]. Then one can make control morphs [morphs to be attenuated when] so that when a certain pose is used, the required morph is also dialed in. After making any changes to the morphs, they need to be saved again {to the exact same folders so the new will overwrite the old}.

    As I recall making pose correction morphs were a little tricky so I'm not winging a how to on that. I would need to work through one to be sure of the steps.

    btw - nice morph :-)

    I know "once upon a time" I made a few such attenuating morphs but unfortunately seem to have either forgotten a step, or something in the program has been changed, as alas in working on this today, can't find a way to make one of these.

    Maybe somebody else can jump in and explain how to make a morph that gets dialed in with certain poses.


    eta: For the basic morphed figure, if it's requiring adjustments - again morphs are made and linked to the figure - Joint Control Morphs. And that fun topic I will definitely leave for somebody else to explain :-)


    eta: It is possible to get a pose to attenuate a morph. It has to be a pose dial. It is possible to make pose presets into pose dials. It is challenging to get them saved correctly and work again though. Would recommend backing up any pose presets before trying to make dials out of them and "not" to save anything until sure the figure still works as it should when the other pose presets are selected. Any unsaved work will vanish when the figure is deleted from the scene. This is good.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408
    edited January 2021

    Hope somebody appreciates this.

    For the morphs made to fix the figure's shape for various poses, yes they can be attenuated in WITH the pose. Requires some patience.

    1. Figure is made obviously. 2. Figure is posed and morphs are made which are particular to any one pose. 3. Actual Pose "must" also be on a dial on the Parameters Tab. I would recommend keeping everything under the one heading until finished so one can see immediately, what is and is not working. When all done it is easy to relocate the batch and resave them.

    Do not confuse pose presets from the content libraries with the pose dials. Once the pose dial is made and saved, load a fresh figure and stay out of the content libraries. Work from the Parameters Tab. Dial in the figure, dial in the pose, dial in the correcting morph. {in edit mode of course} Right click on ANY dial and create a new property. Give it a name you will recognize as going along with the desired pose. Then SAVE that dial {Morph Assets} Remember the name of the folders you are saving these into because when they are resaved, the same folder names must be used.

    Remember for the final save dialogs {File > Save As > etc.} morphs are dialed to Zero.

    However to make some of these dials in the first place, the morphs need to be dialed in full.

    Remember to walk the dog, pet the cat and feed the fish.

    With the figure morph dialed in full, the pose dial dialed in full, the correction morph dialed in full, on the pose dial right click and select ERC.

    See attached image. Good luck. {remember to zero all and resave the pose dial as morph asset to the same folders}

    When all is done, one can select all the corrective morphs and move them into the Hidden category. One can "hide" them also. Then resave them of course. Keep the Poses not hidden, parked wherever you want them. Resave after any changes of course.

    All morphs made and saved FIRST.png
    1068 x 730 - 111K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • monsterbox said:

    Thanks for the response. I should have hid the attached elements, horns,wings, tail, to avoid confusion. Actually it is 100% morph shape, no "fit to rigging transfer".  The weird double rig happens when I do "Adjust Rigging to Shape". However the bones line up and work great (with a little tweaking) after that step. I did a little more investigating. I start getting the strange lack of realtime movement if I edit weight maps. Is there something I need to do bake or commit a weight map adjustment?

    By the way, I do realize that I have not covered about weight maps etc. but rather presented another way of dealing with extreme figures. For making original figures [not morphs for figures] there are tutorials in the store which cover some of that topic.

  • {after Adjusting the bones to the shape, I hope you had also used the ERC freeze - necessary step, and then save the new morph of course}

    Anyhow,  monsterbox  I found this video. It's about moving the bones around for a specific morph - hope it helps :-)

    Whatever works, hopefully you have success with your figure.


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