Help with Dforce and Animations

SO here's a question,
How do u use an animation that I have (non-aniblock) and start a frame 0 with dfoce clothing and hair?
To further explain this:
Normally with for example Dforce hair, you let it settle to frame 60 and move forward with your animation from there.
But here is the catch, how do I do this when I load in a (non-aniblock) animation that starts from the first frame?
The hair will then start to settle while the animation is also starting and that's obviously not something anyone would want.
Thought of a solution and that was to load in the animation and covert and save to aniblocks, then reload the scene without animation do the Dforce simulation and load in the aniblock so a frame you want it to start and back into the timeline... but... some animation come out distorted when making them go into aniblocks and then back again into the timeline.
SO how to overcome this issue? am I overlooking something?
Is there any way to have a non-aniblock animation that's directly loaded into the timeline to not start at frame zero?
Thanks in advance
Use the option in Simlation settings to Start From Memorised Pose, and adjust the Initialisation and Pose Transition Time settings.