Sliders to use % of different models is missing for me

In this picture, "people" is highlighted and there are a bunch of models he can use. I don't have that "people" button. As a matter of fact, that picture shows he has 12 buttons under actor. I only have 6 and they are, chest, feet, full body, hands, head, waist.
I saw that you can also do this with the head. Use % of different models faces. Those sliders aren't there for me either.
I do have other models installed. I can load them up separately. I want to combine features of different models to create a unique one though. Thanks for any help. I'm new to dad.
The picture you mention is missing for me. Which groups appear in the parameters pane (or its derivatives) depends on which products you have installed - People tends to be populated by character products rather than morph expansions.