built-in content folder missing

searched but it's all from seven years ago.
loaded the brand new gothic cathedral
Could not resolve : "/data/DAZ 3D/Built-in Content/4-Layer Uber PBR MDL/4-Layer Uber PBR MDL.dsf"
I have no such folder in daz library on C drive or on the drive the other drive with data.
C drive gets all installs and morph packages etc etc.
I do have "build-in Content.dsf files in both drives but not a folder which the line above indicates.
nothing named "4-Layer Uber PBR" in my daz library or on the data drive
Which file are you loading? The two main scenes work for me. Are you sure you have the Default Resources package installed?
found the default resources installed buried in the install folder (572 items)...
why doesn't the daz program installer call the other related content?
on the other hand.. first time anything has ever complained about it not being there
thanks for mentioning the "default resources" package