G8 eyes- Is wider possible?

Looked, but couldn't find a suitable answer. Is there a way for the G8F (or M) to have their eyes open wider? The default is nowhere near enough, and I've tried turning off limits on all eyelid movements, but they still are too small. I'm looking for a wide-eyed innocent look, or surprise, or even fear. I could the Face Morpg package, becasue one of the advertised morphs was Eyes Opn, but again. it's not enough.




  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,305

    You can try increasing the overall eye size.  You can also try removing the limits (cog icon, uncheck Use Limits) on the eye-open morphs, although that might not look great if you go overboard.

  • Exactly how wide-eyed are you trying to go? Are you trying to stay within the realm of realistic or overly exaggerated? If I remember correctly, Rarestone's head morphs for G8F has morphs specifically for the eyes that allow you to adjust the eyes vertical width & horizontal width. Be sure you're also making use of the cheek, cheek-eye, and brow poses, because when you're going for really wide-open eyes, a lot more comes into play with the face.

  • Sevrin: I've increased them to their maximun and removed the limits, to no avail.


    Magog: (From "Supper's Ready" by Genesis?) Realistic with perhps a touch of exaggerated. Wide-eyed from fear is not a realistic reaction, so a little larger is what I'm looking for. Also, if the eyeballs are made a little bigger - for a character with large eyes - the lids are too closed.


    On V4, when something wasn't moving to where I needed it, I would have to remove the limits from every morph related to the item I wanted to adjust. For example: in this case of the eyelids, I would have to remove the limits from every associated eyelid adjustment in both the head morphs, AND the specific eye morphs. Only then would it (usually) work the way I needed it to. On V3 qand V2 (and their associated meshes) that was never an issue: removing the limits made morphs go to ridiculous levels of distortion.


    Thank you both for your suggestions.



  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,305

    joegerardi_36a94660de said:

    Sevrin: I've increased them to their maximun and removed the limits, to no avail.


    Magog: (From "Supper's Ready" by Genesis?) Realistic with perhps a touch of exaggerated. Wide-eyed from fear is not a realistic reaction, so a little larger is what I'm looking for. Also, if the eyeballs are made a little bigger - for a character with large eyes - the lids are too closed.


    On V4, when something wasn't moving to where I needed it, I would have to remove the limits from every morph related to the item I wanted to adjust. For example: in this case of the eyelids, I would have to remove the limits from every associated eyelid adjustment in both the head morphs, AND the specific eye morphs. Only then would it (usually) work the way I needed it to. On V3 qand V2 (and their associated meshes) that was never an issue: removing the limits made morphs go to ridiculous levels of distortion.


    Thank you both for your suggestions.



    Perhaps a reference image might help.  There are limits to how far human eyes can open without looking cartoonish.

  • Nowhere that large. Just large enough for my needs Here's the venerable Preteen model, and you can see how wide I like the eyes. This is much larger than G8 allows.


    I don't know about you, but I don't believe those are anywhere near "cartoonish.





    620 x 473 - 86K
  • Removing limits should work, but the limits must be removed also from the morphs that are controlled by eyes open/close dials (check parameters to find which ones)

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    How about a cartoonish morph? I think the example you show doesn't really have her eyes open wider than normal, she just has slightly more exagerated look proportion wise. So maybe a cartoon-ish morph on 10-20% might get you there.

  • I finally got it. There were two morphs that I had missed removing the limits from. It had to be done when selecting both the entire character and also with just the head selected, same as V4. I missed two from the head. (I wish there was a way to globally remove limits...)


    As to the little picture above, the eyes are set at -35 for blink, and -100 for wince to open up that much, Those aren't the character's eyes in there, they're a separate model (hence the ability to use 2 different eye colors) and they're scaled to about 115%. They'e much larger, but still don't look weird because I was able to make the eyes wider.


    I note that even with the ability to make the lids wider apart, I don't have that much room to play: they lids will distort very quickly. Not like the picture above mine, as those bug eyes are pushed out from the head, (as a joke, I think) but more like it distorts the area below the eyebrows.


    Thank you all for your help.


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