moving "Lost and Found"

My name is John Caruso, and I am relatively new to the forums so please forgive me if I"m in the the wrong area.

My question is that I have a lot of files under the "Lost and Found" tab and I would like them to be placed in their proper folders. Does anyone know how I am able to do this? It's hard to locate certain items I would like to use, only to find after I've searched my folders to finally find the item in "Lost and Found".

Any information supplied would be tremendously appreciated.

John Caruso [email protected]


  • Lost and Found is a category, rather than a place. If you find the files in the Content Library pane (if you are in Smart Content right-click on one and use the Show Asset In>Mapped Directory/Virtual folder option) then you can right click on the file(s) or a whole folder and choose Categorise

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